Thursday, October 29, 2015

Five on Friday - October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween weekend!  Friday is here and I'm so looking forward to the weekend!  Don't you love it when Halloween happens on a weekend.  The kids will have all day Sunday to recover and they'll have an extra hour to do it.  Which brings me to my five for this week.....

1.  Standard Time Begins
Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night.  Which means we have an extra hour this weekend!!  Woo Hoo!!  What are you going to be doing with your extra hour?  Last year I got a message (time well spent).  I really don't know what I'm going to do this year.  Hmmmm... I need to give this some serious thought.

turning the clocks back

2.  Madrina's Roasted Coffee and Milk
I have a confession:  I'm not a coffee fan.  But this summer we were at Fair St. Louis and they were handing out chilled samples of this Madrina's Roasted Coffee and Milk.  I was very thirsty so I took one.  And loved it!!  With the sample came a coupon for a free can, which I recently found at the bottom of my purse.  Long story short, I got the free sample and STILL loved it the second time around.  It's made with brewed coffee, reduced fat milk, cane sugar and natural flavors.  This just might become my new coffee drink.
Vanilla Madrinas Coffee
3.  BioRepublic Green Tea Detox Facial Mask
One of these facial masks appeared in my last Birchbox and I gave it a whirl last weekend.  LOVED IT!  Here's the description from Birchbox:  Gone are the days of attacking our blemishes with harsh chemicals and scrubs.  These days, we prefer to kill 'em with kindness.  These spa-worthy sheet masks are infused with natural green tea extract and plant collagen to give skin a boost of healing antioxidants while removing excess sebum (the oily residue that clogs pores).  With smooth, nourished skin like this, we're never fighting dirty again.  I couldn't have said it better myself!  Highly recommend these!
facial mask
4.  National Knock Knock Joke Day
Almost everyone knows that October 31 is Halloween, but how many people know that it's also National Knock Knock Joke Day?!?  Did you have a favorite knock, knock joke when you were growing up?  If you don't know any good knock knock jokes to tell, here's a couple I'll let you borrow:
Knock, knock.  Who's there?  Olive.  Olive who?  Olive you!
Knock, knock.  Who's there?  Lettuce.  Lettuce who?  Lettuce in it's cold out here.
Knock, knock.  Who's there?  Ben!  Ben who?  Ben waiting for Halloween all year!

5.  Burnt
Bradley Cooper's new movie hits the theaters today.  It's not getting very good reviews, but it's still on my list of movies I would like to see.  I mean, look at him.  So cute!  I can easily spend 100 minutes just swooning over my bud Brad.  Do you plan on seeing it?

                                  Bradley Cooper

Hope you have a very fun and safe weekend!  I will be joining a very dear friend of mine to celebrate her mother's life.  Her mom passed away earlier this month and her friends and family will be gathering on Saturday to celebrate her on what would have been her 70th birthday.  Sunday is up for grabs so stop back by on Monday to see what I did.

Linking up with:
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Jenny Evolution
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
Blogger Love
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I'm very much looking forward to putting the clocks back. I can't stand that it's dark in the morning, dark early at night. Dark dark dark. Is never survive in the north where they get little sunshine.
    Best wishes for the celebration of life; I'm sure it'll be lovely. Take care and have a great weekend Hun.

  2. National Knock Knock Day?! I had no clue! thanks for enlightening me. I'm sure my friends will really appreciate me knowing this now too ;)
    Trish - tales from trish

  3. I had no idea that movie was coming out, but I do love him... hmm... :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. Getting a massage with the extra hour seems genius!! I am just dreading it getting dark so early hahah!

  5. I am excited about the time change every Fall! There is nothing like gaining a extra hour.

  6. We turned our clocks back a week ago here in Germany and it was pure bliss having that extra hour! Happy Friday xxx

  7. I'm going to have to try that coffee. It's always great when the free sample is something that we like!! Happy Weekend!

  8. I really want to look for the Madrina's Roasted Coffee and Milk. It sounds delicious! - Trish

  9. Oh, that Bradley... What a hunk, huh? Have you ever heard him speak French? Go to YouTube and just swoooooon :)

    I'm sorry, where was I....

    OH! Yes, what a great idea to actually doing something worthwhile with that extra hour we'll be gaining this weekend! Love this.

    Also that's incredibly sweet to spend time with your friend to celebrate her mom's life. You are the best kind of friend there is :) Hope you have a great weekend, and that you enjoy that hour! XOXO

  10. Oh I hope to see the new Bradley movie but we'll see if that happens. Can't wait to hear what you think of it :)

  11. hey thanks for sharing this wonderful post.

  12. I am really happy for the extra hour over the weekend :)
    — DT | Here I Scribble

  13. I really want to see that Bradley Cooper movie!

  14. I *was* excited about daylight savings, until I realized it doesn't mean anything for my baby! Haha. He'll just wake up at 5am now, as opposed to 6am. Grrrr

    Have fun at your friend's celebration of her mom's life party :). What a lovely concept.

  15. I vote for another massage this year! Hope you enjoyed your extra hour! i would love to see Burnt, and not just to watch Bradley, although it would be worth it just for that :) Thanks for linking up!
