Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween Weekend

Hello!  Welcome to November!  It's hard for me to grasp that we are in November already.  It's a big month for our family -- my husband, mother-in-law and mom all have birthdays.  We have Thanksgiving and Ian and Kayla's anniversary.  Yes, November keeps me on my toes!  But before I start thinking about all the November activity, let me recap the last weekend in October.

Friday night I joined my friends Sherri, Tracy and Carol for a little girl time.  It's always so rejuvenating to get together with a great group of friends.  Carol had just returned from a two-week trip to Italy and we were anxious to see her pictures and hear her stories.  Tracy fixed appetizers.  The wine (and conversation) flowed.  Perfect way to spend a Friday night!

We tried getting a picture of all of us with my selfie stick.  After many failed attempts (and a couple accidental videos) we got a keeper.

Saturday morning I put together the goody hands for some special trick-or-treaters.  I wasn't going to be home in the evening so I delivered them -- it was reverse trick-or-treating.  The kids didn't have to come to me, I went to them.  I think they were pretty successful.

Saturday afternoon we gathered to celebrate the life of Tracy's mom.  Linda was her name and the celebration held by her family was just want she would have wanted it to be.  Friends, family and co-workers gathers to share laughs and fellowship.  One of the coolest things was the favor handed out when you left.  Along with a lovely poem, everyone received a paper butterfly.  You can plant the butterfly, watch it grow and bloom into beautiful flowers.  Perfect way to honor someone!

In the evening, the Halloween festivities began.  There were costumes, silly pictures and lots of great food.

Sunday Eric and I headed to the Rams game.  The game was not a perfectly executed one, but somehow we pulled out a win.  Yay!!

When we got home, I got my latest Rockbox jewels ready to mail back.  Have you guys tried Rockbox yet?  If you haven't, click HERE for a free month.  Rockbox is one of my favorite subscriptions!  You fill out a survey online and then receive three pieces of jewelry picked just for you.  The cost is $19 per month.  You keep the three pieces for as long or short as you like.  When you're finished with them, you can purchase the pieces at a great price or send them back and receive three new pieces.  Here's what I received in my latest box ~


It's so fun to wear the jewelry for a while, return it and see what the next three pieces will be.

I spend my extra hour on Sunday finishing the book The Canterbury Sisters.  Have you read it?  I loved it!!  It was a real page turner that really made me reflect on several things.  Before I was even finished reading it, I loved it so much that I suggested my book club read it.  I'm excited for the upcoming discussion at our next meeting.  If you're looking for something good to read, this book is my suggestion.
To purchase, click HERE
Hope your Halloween weekend was a great one and you did something you really wanted to do with your extra hour.  I have a feeling that the next couple months are going to be a whirlwind.  My goal for this month is to enjoy each day and not become too overwhelmed with the holidays approaching.  So far, day one has been a success!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
More Pieces of Me
Bella and the City
A Cute Angle
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Tuesday Talk
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. The Canterbury Sisters, second time I've seen that this week on someone's blog. Will have to add it to my list. Sound like a fun Halloween weekend you had. I think those hands you made are so unique. Nice job Penny. Well off to get ready for another day, Monday at school. Enjoy your week. Hope you are joining us on Tuesday Talk's Cookie Swap tomorrow.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss, but I just love those wildflower ideas! I've planted them before and they do sprout up so nicely. I also love the candy hands you made - so fun. Have a great week.

  3. That paper butterfly is so incredibly beautiful--what a beautiful way to honor a loved one. I've never heard of this before but will certainly keep it in mind.

    Also I love your Halloween treats! So cute and different that you went out to seek trick-or-treaters! Love this!

    That picture of the dogmobile pope totally made my day, LOLOL!! I love when people involve their pets in the Halloween spirit :)

  4. Those goody hands turned out awesome. What a fun treat!

  5. It sounds like you had a family/fun filled weekend !!! I love those weekends. Our Nov is busy too. We have two trips planned and several family Birthdays. Also we are getting ready for a Holiday Bazaar. But I too want to value each day and not let them slip by without savoring each moment.

  6. Sounds like such a great weekend! Those zombie fingers looked so good!

  7. All of your Halloween stuff is so cool! You're very creative. Thanks for linking up today!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  8. That is a neat wildflower idea.

    The Rams game was officiated bad, I'm not going to lie from what I saw on the TV but they won and no one got hurt (in reference to the 49er who grabbed the mask on the helmet of one of the Rams and could have broken his neck).

  9. The nun and pope costume are pretty epic. Totally made my otherwise crappy day into a good one.

    Have a good evening Penny xo

  10. Wow I loved your nun costume and glad that you had so much fun on Halloween.

  11. Those bananas are too cute! Looks like you had a fabulous weekend.

  12. You know another person I know made those goodies hands and they were so cute.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  13. Love those goody hands!! MM the banana treats look amazing too. So many fun treats, I cannot believe its already past!

    XO Chelsea
