Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekending - November 6, 2015

Hello and welcome to Monday!  This was such a fun weekend, but I did something really silly -- I started the weekend without a list of things to get done.  I thought I could wing it, but that proved to be pretty unproductive for me.  At least through the end of the year, I need a list of things to do before heading into the weekend.

With that said, we did have a lot of fun this weekend.  Thursday night we celebrated  my mother-in-law's birthday.  Ian was able to join us for dinner and it was a lot of fun to sit down and get caught up.  Happy birthday, Sue!

Friday was our big Italian feast at Carol's house to celebrate Sherri's birthday.  She did a magnificent job making us feel like we were relaxing in an Italian restaurant.  Her husband, Dave, helped out by playing the role of head waiter.  It was wonderful from the moment we were greeted at the door.

As soon as we arrived, aperitivi (happy hour Italian style) was served.  The tray was beautifully laid out and tasted amazing.

Before dinner was served, Sherri opened her birthday presents.  Giving gifts to friends is the best.  We were all excited to share with Sherri what we picked out for her.

Carol took a cooking class while recently visiting Italy.  She must have been a perfect student because her homemade pasta was so wonderful!  We devoured her salad, tortellini and ravioli.  Dessert was gelato and cookies.  We ended the evening with very full bellies and very warm hearts.

Saturday Eric and I decided to take in a matinee and see Spectre.  I had a project I needed to finish for work this weekend, and worked on it until the last minute.  We rushed to the show and luckily was able to get fairly decent seats.  Then we waited. And waited.  After a half hour after the show was supposed to start, a manager came in to say the projector was broken.  We could either get a refund, get a ticket for a later show or see the show starting in another half hour.  We opted for the next show.  Loved the movie!  Very well worth all the time we spent trying to actual see the film.  Did you see it?  What did you think?

Saturday night we went to dinner with Ian and Kayla to celebrate Eric's birthday.  We enjoyed dining at Kemoll's on the 40th floor overlooking the Arch in downtown St. Louis.  Kemoll's is an excellent Italian restaurant in St. Louis with a magnificent view.  I've been lucky to have had some work functions there, but Eric and I had never dined there together.  Sorry -- no pictures of our outstanding food, but believe me, it was beautifully presented and tasted fabulous!  Here's a pic we snapped in the lobby after dinner.

Sunday was one of my book club meetings.  It was another birthday celebration -- this one for my friend Dee and myself.  Even though we call this group a book club, many times at our gatherings we don't actually get around to talking about books.  We eat and laugh and talk about a cornucopia of topics.  Great way to spend a couple hours on Sunday afternoon.

Sunday evening we took in Mamma Mia at the Fox theater.  Love all the Abba songs!!  This is one of my favorite plays.  I've actually never seen the movie.  Should probably add that to my to do list.
It was a great weekend filled with glorious food and wonderful friends and family.  Now it's time to start thinking about all the things I didn't write down that I need to remember to do.  Yes, my intention is for this to be one productive week.  Wish me luck!  

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
More Pieces of Me
Bella and the City
A Cute Angle
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Tuesday Talk
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. You have way to much fun on your weekends! Italian cooking, that I can relate to! The menu sounds divine.

  2. We did Saturday matinee to see Spectre too! Loved it. I love Daniel Craig as Bond! I bet Mama Mia was fun! Thanks for linking up again this week!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. Sounds like a really fun weekend!

  4. Your Italian feast looks and sounds so fun!!

  5. It looks like you had a great weekend! The previews of 007 look good!

  6. Awww how fun!! So jealous of the wine!
