Sunday, November 29, 2015

Weekending -- Thanksgiving One

Happy Cyber Monday!  What a weekend!  This was a nice, long weekend for me since we're off work on Friday after Thanksgiving.  I'm so grateful we get Friday as a holiday and I don't have to use a vacation day.

So how was your Thanksgiving?  Ours was great!  We had a house full of family and it was fantastic!  My youngest nephew, Liam, is 2 months old already and I just can't get enough of him.  He's adorable!

Nephews and Niece

Thanksgiving was a beautiful 72 degrees.  The kids played outside for a bit and we didn't have to worry about anyone traveling home in bad weather. Mom and Dad were staying the night so Mom and I could hit the stores on Friday.  Thursday night we scoped out the ads to map our plan of attack.

On Friday, we woke to rain.  Not just a little rain, I'm talking about it pouring rain.  And it didn't let up all day long.  We didn't let the weather slow us down, but wow was it a challenge to be out and about in that weather.  Friday was also my mom's birthday.  It was great spending the day with her!

Kayla joined us in the afternoon.  We all worked on getting items on our Christmas list checked off.  It was tough focusing on buying for others and not picking up some stuff for yourself.  Did you shop over the weekend?  Did you buy more for others than things for yourself?  Even with the rain, we turned it into a fun day!

After Mom headed home, Kayla, Eric and I made one last stop at the Galleria.  Kayla and I got our picture taken with Santa (kinda) before meeting up with Ian for dinner.

Saturday Eric worked and I tried to get the house back to normal before we drug out all the Christmas decorations.  I also spent some time doing some online shopping.  Now it's time to step back and do an inventory.  I have completely lost track of what I've bought and what I still need to get.

In the evening, Eric and I joined some friends for dinner and a concert.  We picked Triumph for dinner.  This is a great little restaurant near the Fox Theater, where we would be seeing Michael McDonald.  Fun times!!

Michael McDonald was great to see.  His voice, in my opinion, is definitely showing his age a bit.  But if you love The Doobie Brothers like I do, it was so fun to hear him sing.  The concert reminded me of a PBS special.  I kept waiting for someone to step out and ask for a donation.

Sunday was Kayla and Ian's second wedding anniversary.  Happy anniversary guys!  Here's to many, many more!

The Christmas trees went up on Sunday. It's trees, plural.  I love our trees -- all five of them.  Right now we have a bunch of naked trees sitting around.  My friend, Carol, is coming by on Monday to make them spectacular.  It will be so wonderful walking in the door after work and seeing her creations!  I'll definitely be showing them to you in a future post.

Now it's on to face the week.  December is such a magical month.  I'm so hoping we make the most of it and truly enjoy the season.  Hope you join me!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
More Pieces of Me
Bella and the City
A Cute Angle
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Tuesday Talk
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Happy anniversary to them! You look like you had such a fun weekend. I love that you posted a list of other reads :)

  2. How fun to see Michael McDonald in concert! Seems like an amazing weekend.

  3. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving and weekend. Ours was pretty low key this year, which is a first. But it was nice!

  4. Looks like you and your loved ones had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Love all the pics! Happy Monday xxx

  5. Keith thought that since we are selling the condo (coughcoughatsomepoint) that I wasn't going to decorate for Christmas. I spoke with our realtor and she said it was fine so he lost that one, haha!! Can't wait to see your trees all decorated.

  6. Stunning picture of the wedding picture. You look beautiful. Sound like a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  7. That "thankful for the ladies" shirt is too sweet!

  8. Looks like such a fun weekend! Liam is adorable!

    I can’t believe you actually went out on Black Friday, I only did online shopping and got a little worried for the others since there were reports of people being attacked in the stores.

    Happy anniversary to Kayla and Ian! Congratulations to them!

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  9. Happy Anniversary!! This looks so so fun!!
