Friday, December 18, 2015

Five on Friday - December 18, 2015

Oh boy - are you ready for the last weekend before Christmas?!?  I have a feeling this is going to be a wild one.  I'm still not done shopping.  As a matter of fact, I desperately need to do an inventory to even know what I have and what I need!  Every year I think I'm going to get it all together early and then life happens.  But hey, as long as I'm ready before next Friday nobody will really know the difference so I'm still thinking I'm in good shape.  Two words - Amazon Prime.  My best friend this week.

Before I head out to start my gift inventory, here's my five for this week ~

1.  Anne Taintor, Inc. Luggage Tag
I'm in love with these adorable luggage tags.  Raise your hand if you would love one in your stocking.  My hand is up.  You can purchase this with Amazon Prime, so if you order today it will arrive just in time to slip it in those stockings.  I'm also thinking these would be adorable for a gift at girls weekend.  Click on over and take a peek ~ there are quite of few designs to choose from.

Click HERE to purchase
2.  ScentSicles
One of the things I used to miss about having a "real" tree was the pine scent throughout the house.  Well, a few years ago my friend Carol surprised me with these ScentSicles.  The fresh scent of live Christmas tree fills your house.  You can hang them in your tree and enjoy the scent of Christmas just like if you went to the woods and cut down your tree yourself.
scent for your tree

3.  Pentatonix That's Christmas to Me CD
Eric and I had the pleasure of hearing Pentatonix live this week in a concert and I'm even more hooked on them than I was before!  They sounded AMAZING!  Now I want to add their Christmas CD to my collection.  The group offers a little bit of everything on this $8.00 CD by providing a combination of classic holiday songs, modern favorites and a one-of-a-kind holiday mash-up.  Yes, I want this playing on our stereo when we celebrate Christmas this year!

Pentatonix Christmas CD
Click HERE to purchase
4.  Sisters
I know almost everyone is going gaga over the Star Wars movie coming out this weekend, but I'm super excited to see Sisters with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.  The two of them together just make me laugh - and who couldn't use a good laugh every now and again?!?  If you can't find me under all the Christmas wrapping paper, check the theater because I might just abandon my duties and head to the movies to catch this comedy.

5.  I like this way of thinking....

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  I've got lots of stuff in the works ~ we're headed to a new bakery tomorrow morning, hopefully my brother Ernie and his family are coming over Saturday night to see the lights with us at Our Lady of the Snows Shrine, and I have book club at my house on Sunday.  Fun, fun, fun!  Oh, and there's finishing the Christmas shopping too!  Better get to it ~ see you soon!

Linking up with:
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Jenny Evolution
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
Ins and Outs
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. that luggage tag is seriously awesome!!! i am not into star wars either so im glad another person is excited about sisters! i cant wait to watch that movie...

  2. Have a great weekend! I'm skipping off to Chicago for their Christmas celebrations

  3. I'm in need of new luggage and thus new luggage tags!! Going to check this one out. And Yes, to going to see Sisters. I love Tina and Amy. Have a great weekend.

  4. Those luggage tags are awesome! Haha! I also want to see Sisters. Love those two gals, they're hysterical. The previews look good so I hope it's not a let down, I'm sure it won't be. I don't give two craps about Star Wars thank you very much! Lol!
    Have a great weekend Penny! I also have to get shopping done this weekend!! And matter of fact, a few gift cards I'm picking up next Thursday too! Yikes!! This is my worst year in terms of not being on the ball whatsoever!!


  5. I need some new luggage tags. I still have my parents on mine! What a great suggestions.

    Have a great weekend!
    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  6. Haha, had to laugh out loud at the skinny part! Love that way of thinking as well! Those luggage tags are awesome and so true! I am looking forward to both the Star Wars and Sisters movies! Never heard of Scentisicles, but I like it! Have a happy weekend, Penny!

  7. Ahh I wish I would have known about the scentscicles! Our Christmas tree doesn't smell real this year, but it is! So strange

  8. So I am skinny. I just have more skin than others LOL Sweet! I love Pentatonix!!

  9. I love those pine sticks! I also got cinnamon ones :) Happy Friday!

  10. I really want to see Sisters! I love the idea of pine sticks. It's one of my favorite smells. Have a great Friday!

  11. Uhm, I'm seriously in love with that luggage tag. And know of quite a few girls who would LOVE to don that on their bags!

    Thanks for sharing--and I have those pine sticks, too! Great way to make my fake little artificial tree seem a bit more... authentic :) XOXO

  12. I love the luggage tags. I have been dying to see Sisters also, I really hope it is as funny as I think. Those two are awesome.

  13. I've been seeing those scent sickles and wondered if they work!?

  14. Hahah those luggage tags are awesome! Enjoy your weekend!!
