Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - Reveal

Hello!  Can you believe it's Thursday already?!?  I've had a super busy week -- as I'm sure many of you have also.  You may recall a few weeks ago my partner in crime on Thinking Out Loud Thursdays, Vanessa, hosted a Christmas Cheer Box Swap.  Well today is the big reveal.  I've been dying to share with you what I received because my items were just so darn cute!

First, I have to give credit where credit is due.  The person sending me my package was Holly over at While I'm Waiting.  Oh my goodness did she nail the package she sent to me!  Just look at how adorable it was from the minute I opened the box...

Holly also included the sweetest note.

It was so sweet of her to search through my old posts and really learn what I had in my house to make her gifts to me so special.  Now that is the way to pick perfect presents!  Let's take a look at what she picked.

Each item in my box fit PERFECTLY in my Christmas decor.  Holly -- I absolutely LOVE each of them.  Thank you so much for taking the time out of this busy season to add your special touch to my home!  

The blender ornament blends (pun intended) into my baking themed tree I have in the kitchen.  Can you find it?!?  Believe me, it's the cutest little thing ever hanging front and center.

The beautiful snowflake is a wonderful addition to the nature tree we have in our family room.  When the light hits the center crystal, it simmers with the glow of the season.

The wood tree is sitting next to the container where we keep our Christmas cards.  Doesn't it look adorable there?!?

And lastly, but certainly not least, is the precious bird.  He is keeping watch over us as he peeks out from the coffee table centerpiece.

 I love, love, love all these fantastic new additions to our Christmas decor.  Thank you Holly for your thoughtful gifts.  You have added an extra smile to our holiday season!  If you haven't read her blog, you should definitely check it out.  While I'm Waiting

Thanks too, Vanessa, for hosting this year's Christmas Cheer Swap Box.  The box I received definitely added some extra cheer to our holiday season!

Now it's your turn -- what's on your mind this Thursday?  Vanessa over at X-tremely V and I would love to hear from you.  Link up below and share with us what you're thinking out loud about today.

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. Oh that does not surprise me that Holly would pick the perfect gift. She is delightful and thoughtful at the same time. Each ornament is perfect for you Penny. I'll have to get in on this next year. You need to follow Holly on Instagram because she's always is sharing wonderful ideas and photos or her creativity.

  2. Such beautiful ornaments - what a special surprise!

  3. What a kind and thoughtful gesture from Holly! I have to say your baking themed tree is to die for! What a creative way to decorate for the season, Penny!
    It's so lovely of you to share this on #SHINEbloghop this week. Hope you have a lovely holiday and wonderful new year!

  4. Wow! She did a great job. I love that mixer cute! The bird is also a favorite.

  5. What a great box you got. Thank you so much for putting together my box! You did good for the spending limit!

  6. I'm so glad you loved your box (and relieved that everything arrived safely!). I LOVE how you decorate your home and I wanted to make sure your box was filled with things that you love! It was so fun participating in this swap! I'll definitely do it again next year! Merry Christmas!

  7. What a sweet and thoughtful gift from Holly! She is the best :)
