Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bacon Wrapped Cheddar Tater Tots

Do you guys get those Tasty videos on your Facebook feed?  I do and I swear every time I see one I want to head straight to the store, buy the ingredients and whip up whatever recipe just flashed on my computer screen.  Last week I saw one for bacon wrapped cheddar tater tots and knew they were something I had to try.  I mean, bacon and cheese and tater tots!!  Come on, how could that be anything but delicious! 

We whipped up a batch for the big game on Sunday and they were a hit!  To make this recipe even better -- they are super simple to make.  

Here's What You Need
Bag of Tater Tots
Cube of Cheddar Cheese
Brown Sugar

Here's What You Do
1.  Let your tater tots thaw and come up room temperature.  I put mine in the refrigerator the night before and then let them sit out for about an hour.

2.  Cut your bacon strips in half.  Also cut your cheddar cheese in small chucks.  Mine were about 1/4" wide by about 1/2 inch long.

3.  Wrap a piece of cheese and a tater tot with bacon.  Stick a toothpick through to hold it all together.

4.  Dredge it through brown sugar.

5.  Bake in a 350 degree oven for approximately 20-25 minutes.  

I used my new Pampered Chef Small Ridge Baker so the grease would drip away from my bundles of goodness.  By the way - I think this little baker is quickly going to become one of my favorite kitchen items!

Look at the melted cheese!  These things were the bomb!  Hope you find a reason to whip up a batch and enjoy them as much as we did.

Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen


  1. Oh wow! That looks far to yummy to pass up. I'm pinning it to make later!

  2. Those look so good!!! I saw them and immediately wanted to eat them!

  3. Just had to check out this recipe which includes my favorite foods bacon, potatoes, and cheese mouth watering. Followed you here from the Let's Be Friendly party. Come on over and link up on Tuesday's With a Twist.

  4. I can see my hubs going gaga over these little bites. Always enjoy seeing you on Tuesday Talk Penny. Hope you have a fantastic day.

  5. Oh my! Also I love the Small Ridged Baker ... well really I love any of my Pampered Chef stones haha.
