Monday, February 8, 2016

Weekending - February 5, 2016

This has been one great weekend!  I'm only sad that it's ending and we're back to work.  Let me tell you what went down in my little part of the world this weekend.

Friday night I worked late.  Like really late.  But it felt good to be getting something accomplished that I was having a hard time getting done during normal business hours.  Friday night at the office was quiet, so I could plow through some tasks that had been piling up.  Honestly, it felt good to be getting them done.  Ever have tasks like that?

Saturday was the day I had been waiting for ever since my great nephew had made his arrival.  We were headed to my home town to meet little Hunter William and I was so excited to see him.  On the way, we decided to grab some lunch in the Central West End.  If you remember, last week Eric and I had eaten BBQ at the St. Louis famous Pappy's.  After reading my post, a friend of mine sent me a message and said I should try Moonshine Grill.  I've blogged about this place before, but they have recently started serving BBQ and we hadn't had an opportunity to try their version yet.  Well, let me just say that Moonshine Grill had some of the best BBQ we have ever tasted.  Watch out Pappy's -- there's a new BBQ joint in town.  We both had the ribs and agreed that Moonshine Grill's version was superb!

While we waited for our ribs to arrive at our table, I sat back and relaxed with one of their magnificent Moonshine Blackberry Margaritas.  Yum!

Eric noticed right away that Ryan Reaves, a St.Louis Blues Hockey player, was having lunch at the bar.  I didn't have the guts want to bother him while he was eating so no picture together or autograph for me.  I did manage to sneak this pic while he wasn't looking.

Then the ribs arrived!  We were so busy enjoying our meal that Bradley Cooper could have walked in and I would not have noticed.  If you live in St. Louis, travel to St. Louis or just want to come to St. Louis for some great ribs, I suggest you give Moonshine Grill a try.

bbq ribs, st. louis bbq

After stuffing ourselves at lunch, we wondered into The Cup to grab some cupcakes for dessert on Sunday while watching the Super Bowl.

cupcakery, cupcakes in st. louis

Of course, we parked right by Bissinger's so we stopped in there to get a piece of chocolate for our car ride.  I picked the Royal Raspberry Milk Chocolate Creme and Eric decided on the Gourmet Peanut Butter Coin.

Bissinger's chocolate

Then it was on to my home town to meet our new great nephew.  He is a little doll!  Just look how adorable he is...

To make the trip even more special, I had a chance to see my other nephews.  Love spending time with my family!  Here's my nephew that was born in September.  He's getting so big!  It's going to be so fun watching these little guys grow up.

Sunday was productive!  I got up early and had two Crockpots loaded and cooking before heading to church.  Ian and Kayla were coming over to watch the game and I love having lots of food to munch on while we cheer on our team.

On Tuesday I'll be blogging about one of the new recipes I tried -- bacon wrapped tator tots.  Yes, they were scrumptious!

Did you have a favorite commercial?  The St. Louis market got to see a local commercial by the law firm Brown and Crouppen.   They used their time to send Stan Kroenke a little message about taking our Rams and leaving town.  My hat is off to you Mr. Crouppen.  You articulated what many of us having been thinking.  Here's how it went.

Now here we are facing Monday.  Most Sunday nights I'm wishing we had one more day on the weekend and this one is no different.  There's just so many things I didn't get a chance to do.  But I have a fun week ahead.  Book club is Tuesday (no I'm not done with the book just yet) and our first ever supper club is meeting on Thursday.  Hope you have some fun stuff on your agenda!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
Bella and the City
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Over the Moon

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Mmmm! Plenty of good eating during your weekend! Those tater tots look really good to me!

  2. Good food, good company, good travels and good babies! You are going to spoil them rotten. Sounds like a productive weekend to me.

  3. All of that food looks so delicious! Glad you had a wonderful weekend!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  4. Oh the food pictures are just amazing! It all looks so delicious! Glad you had such a great weekend!

  5. Moonshine Grill sounds amazing I love ribs! I didn't know the Rams were leaving! Where have I been? Crazy! Hope you have a great week. I'm amazed at how busy you manage to stay!Kudos to you!

  6. The food in these pictures are making me so hungry! looks like you had an amazing weekend.

  7. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend - lots of yummy food and those cute handsome men! Happy Monday xxx

  8. I'm glad the aired the slam Stan commercial and I bet he gets more clients BC of it ;)

    Otherwise I wasn't too impressed with the Superbowl this year. The commercials were ok, half time you couldn't hear coldplay and I did like lady gaga.

  9. I have yet to go to lunch so all of your pics are making me hungry! Yum! Your nephews are so sweet!

  10. What a busy weekend! I loved all of your photos - the food looked yummy and your nephews are too cute! thanks for sharing with us at #overthemoon.

  11. Your weekend looks delightful!

  12. What a darling set of nephews you have. Congratulations.
    and those bacon wrapped tots??!! Yikes. Only thing that could possibly be better is Bissingers!! Yum!

  13. Sounds like you had a great weekend. I love bacon, so I'm sure it was amazing with the tater tots. Your great-nephew is adorable. Those cupcakes and chocolate look amazing. I'd spend a ton picking out goodies from those two places.

  14. You had me at Moonshine Margaritas...yum! Thanks for linking up to Meetup Monday!
