Friday, February 5, 2016

Five on Friday - February 5, 2016

Hello friends!  Welcome to Friday.  We have had a pretty exciting week around here.  On Wednesday we welcomed a new great nephew - Hunter William.  He weighed 8 pounds and 10 ounces.  Isn't he the cutest thing!!  We're headed to my hometown this weekend to see him in person.  My camera is charged and ready to go!  More pictures on Monday.

Since it's Friday, you know what that means.  Here's my Five on Friday list for this week ~

1.  Oreo's New Flavor
Oreos have been mixing it up lately by introducing some new flavors like Pumpkin Spice and Red Velvet - well, get ready because come Monday you will be seeing yet another new version of this favorite treat  The new flavor sandwiched between the chocolate cookies is chocolate creme with a dollop of vanilla  (think Hostess chocolate cupcake).  Sounds pretty yummy to me!  Will you be giving them a try?


  1. I swear, you Americans have a bazillion flavors of everything, compared to your northern friends up here in Canada.

    Your great nephew is just adorable. I love the little smirk. Enjoy your weekend back home and meeting him, Penny.

    Have a good one! Xo

  2. oh my gosh i need to try these oreos like NOW! great blog my friend! happy friday!

  3. What a beautiful boy! Enjoy him! But don't bring him the Oreos -- wait until he has teeth! : )

  4. That is really cool that McDonald's is putting books in their Happy Meals...not that I ever go there, but it is cool to know.

  5. Congrats on the new arrival!! I'm not a McD's fan but I may just have to go there to get those books, ha!

  6. Chick Fil A gives out books in their Kids Meals and I love it!

  7. Oh, my goodness--Hunter looks like he's smiling already! Congratulations--you must be thrilled :) Welcoming a new baby into the family is always cause for a lot of celebration!

    And I have NOT yet heard of this Oreo cookie flavor but will have to give it a try. Sounds delicious! Mmm...

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Ha! Love that quote. Totally me too .That Oreo sounds really yummy. Your great nephew is adorable . I also love books in happy meals. Hope we get Pete the Cat.

  9. Congratulations. A another new baby for you to hug and hold. Enjoy. I read the book The Choice. I liked it but I can't see it being a big blockbuster.

  10. Adorable!!!! And I must find those Oreos!

  11. Sappy love stories aren't my thing so I doubt I watch 'The Choice'. I'll have to keep my eye out for those Oreos! Congratulations on the addition to your family. He's adorable.
