Thursday, February 25, 2016

Five on Friday - February 26, 2016

Hey guys -- Happy Friday!!  I would be lying if I said I wasn't deliriously happy that the weekend is here.  I was out of town on business Monday through Thursday and I'm so excited to be facing a few days at home.  You know what else I'm deliriously happy about today - I'm the featured blogger over at H54F!  H54F is short for High Five For Friday - clever don't you think.  When I got the email yesterday saying they were featuring me I did a little happy dance.  Hope you have a minute to check it out.

Here's my five for this Friday ~

1.  New Buttons on Facebook
Ever want to express a feeling other than "Like" on Facebook?  Well, now you can!  Five new buttons were added this week that allow you to say Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry in just one little click of a button.  So, are people going to start getting angry now if you just "like" something instead of "loving" it?  Oh the pressure!

2.  Eddie the Eagle
I've been waiting for this one - it just looks so sweet.  Movie Insider sums it up like this:  "Inspired by true events, Eddie the Eagle is a feel-good story about Michael "Eddie" Edwards (Taron Egerton), an unlikely but courageous British ski-jumper who never stopped believing in himself - even as an entire nation was counting him out. With the help of a rebellious and charismatic coach (played by Hugh Jackman), Eddie takes on the establishment and wins the hearts of sports fans around the world by making an improbable and historic showing at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics."  Is it on your list to see?

movie Eddie the Eagle, ski jumping

3.  Oscars - Sunday Night
Roll out the red carpet because Sunday night the Oscars will be handed out.  If you're looking for a free, printable ballot, click HERE.  I've seen six of the eight best picture nominations and I'm hoping to see one more on Saturday.  How about you?  Will you be watching Sunday night?  And why do they have this on Sunday night instead of Saturday?  Don't these people have to go to work on Monday morning like the rest of us?!?

Oscar ballot

4.  Beautiful The Carole King Musical
My daughter-in-law, Kayla, invited me to see Beautiful The Carole King Musical with her last night and it was spectacular!  If it's coming to a city near you, I highly recommend you see it.  It has definitely moved into my #1 most loved musical spot.  "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" Carole sang.  Heck yes I'll love you tomorrow.  And the day after that!  Yes, it's that good!  

5.  Hope you have a good laugh this weekend....

Comical pictures of the hour (12:35 AM, Friday 30, January 2015 PST) – 10 pics:

Besides girls night out tonight, I honestly don't know what's going to be on my agenda this weekend.  Do you have big plans?  Hope you stop back by on Monday to see what I was up to.  Have a great one!

Linking up with:
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Jenny Evolution
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
Ins and Outs
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Sometimes not having an agenda is an agenda in itself. Nothing to do is luxury to me. I love that funny with the laughing women. Been there, done that. Congrats on your spotlight on Tif's party. Will head over at 8 to check it out. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Yay for being our featured blogger today, and thanks for always linkup up for H54F!!! The musical sounds good! It's been too long since I've been to one. I wish we would've gotten a dislike button on FB, but some people would've abused it. One of the girls I went to law school with has a brother who worked on the project to create the buttons.


  3. I'm not sure what I think about the new likes on facebook, but I am sure they will grow on me. Have a great weekend!!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  4. Congrats to you! I find the new choices on Facebook to be confusing, but I am sure norms will become apparent soon. Have a great weekend!

  5. Not so sure about the new Facebook choices - but like all the others said, I am sure they will grow on us. I feel the same way about the Oscars being on Sunday - I will have to tape them, because otherwise I'd have to watch in the middle of the night because of the time zone. Happy Friday and congrats!! xxx

  6. I keep forgetting the oscars are this Sunday night! And the Facebook choices still seem odd to me - all we asked for was a dislike button! haha

  7. Happy Friday Penny! I'm thrilled it's Friday - I'm so unmotivated today.

    I'm loving the new buttons on FB. It's about time. I'm sure it's also a matter of time before that feature is rolled out to mobile phones, too.

    Have a wonderful weekend, whatever you get up to. :) xo

  8. Totally agree re: the Oscars. I have a bedtime on work nights--don't they know?!

    I heard that was a great musical! I'll have to see how much tickets are--it looks fantastic. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. That movie is on our list to see!! Have a great weekend!!

  10. I really want to see Eddie the Eagle! Seriously, I feel like those Facebook buttons add some pressure! Some day we'll look back and think, "Remember when you could only 'like' on Facebook? Simpler times..."

  11. Hugh Jackman makes everything better! Not sure about all these new FB buttons. All I wanted was a dislike one LOL Have a great weekend!

  12. Thanks for the tip on Beautiful. It is coming to Houston and I want to get tickets after hearing your review! Congrats on the feature!
