Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Weekending - February 26, 2016

Hi guys!  Here it is Tuesday night and I'm just now getting to my weekend recap.  This weekend was so welcomed!  I couldn't wait for the weekend to start on Friday ~ and I enjoyed every single minute of it.  Hence, why it's Tuesday night and I'm just getting to the recap!  :)

Friday night we had girls night out.  Sorry, not a single picture was taken.  Sherri, Carol, Tracy and I met at Wasabi for some sushi and lots of chatting.  One thing we always do is bring a prepared agenda to our girls night.  We don't want to forget any of the important topics we need to cover!  Just love getting together with this group of friends!

Saturday morning Eric brought me breakfast in bed before he headed off to work.  My husband knows me well -- he brought me a bag of Lay's Southern Biscuits and Gravy potato chips and a diet Mountain Dew.  It was fantastic!  When he brought up the chips and showed me the flavor, I was a bit skeptical.  Good thing I tried them, because I'm here to tell you they are delicious!  Have you tried them?  I know Lay's Southern Biscuits and Gravy potato chips aren't your standard breakfast, but I'm not your standard breakfast eating kind of girl.  The lady that dreamed up the flavor, Hailey Green, won a million dollars in the Lay's Do Us A Flavor contest.  Darn, why didn't I come up with that idea?!?

I busted through my To Do List the rest of the morning and into the afternoon.  Then my friend Rachel came over and we watched the last two movies on my list of Best Picture nominated films that I hadn't seen yet -- Spotlight and Brooklyn.  It's always a goal of mine to see all the Best Picture nominated films, but I usually fall one or two short.  This year -- goal accomplished!  Since I'm writing this after seeing the Oscars, I can say I'm pretty shocked that Spotlight took home the statue.  I thought it was a great movie, just really didn't think it would win.  We rented it from Amazon Prime.  Love Amazon Prime!

Sunday after church we met our friends Sharyn, Eric and Audrey for lunch.  Canyon Cafe was our meeting place and the food was so yummy!  I still had Audrey's Christmas present.  You can look at it like I'm late for last year, or extremely early for this one.  :)

Eric and I both picked tacos.  They were so yummy!  We will be headed back to Canyon Cafe again -- the chips were fabulous, food divine and they bring out the most wonderful little finisher.  White chocolate pecan tamales!

After lunch, we decided to run down to my hometown to visit all the new babies in my family.  Just can't get enough of them!!  Take a peek at their sweet little faces!  Yes, they make Aunt Penny melt.

Once home, we collapsed on the couch to watch the Oscar's.  I still have all the red carpet stuff taped.  Maybe I'll catch it before next year's show.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and your week is off t0 a great start.  Don't forget I'll be thinking out loud on Thursday.  Stop by and link up!


  1. We love love love Canyon Cafe!! Haven't been in a while but we need to get back there. Glad you had a good weekend and you can keep those chips for yourself , i'll pass ;)

  2. I love those chips! Every time they run that contest my family runs out and buys all the flavors to try - clearly their marketing team is genius :)

  3. Sounds like you had a fun and full weekend. :) Love it!

  4. OMGoodness, I often have potato chips for a meal and biscuits and gravy chips, oh my!! I am pretty sure I will have to wait for a visit down south before trying them.
    I try to see all of the nominated movies too, but missed Brooklyn. We will watch it this week. I agree about Spotlight, great movie but not sure it was the best 'whole package.'
    It's almost the weekend again...
