Thursday, March 31, 2016

Five on Friday - April 1, 2016

Welcome Friday! I'm coming off a late night out last night so my eyes are a bit heavy today. Eric and I went to see Barry Manilow. Before you scrunch up your nose and say Barry Manilow - yes, I love Barry and he put on one heck of a show. The memory flood gates opened and all things happy poured out. Ahhh - great way to head into the weekend.

Now before I head off to work for my eight hours before the weekend, here's my five for this week.

1.  Cheetos Sweetos Cinnamon Sugar Puffs
Have you seen these? I'm going to be on the look out for them when I head to the grocery store this weekend. Rumor has it they have a wonderful cinnamon toast flavor. No cheese at all. As a matter of fact, this is the first non-savory snack Cheetos has ever had in its' 67-year history. They are out for a limited time so get them before they are gone!

2.  Plod On Baby Crawling Knee Protectors

It's only a short matter of time before my nephew is crawling.  I think a pair of these are in order.  Their house has all hardwood floors so I'm guessing it's going to be a little slick when he starts trying to crawl.  These adorable things are designed to protect baby's knees as they crawl around.  No more boo boos on those sweet little knees.  They make several colors/styles.  Check them out!
Plod Ons Baby Crawling Knee Protectors, Rainbow Stripes
Click HERE to purchase
3.  Celtic Salt
One of the many things I really miss when I'm trying to drop a few pounds is salt.  Well I won't be missing it anymore!!  Celtic salt actually has some health BENEFITS!  "With a natural balance of minerals and trace elements, Celtic sea salt products are a beneficial addition to most diets. As a natural salt, Celtic sea salt products are an important source of natural sodium chloride, which is vital for good health in small amounts. Unlike ordinary table salts, Celtic sea salt products provide potassium, magnesium and other important trace minerals. Celtic sea salt products impart a rich, exceptional flavor that enhances the taste of any dish."  So glad someone told me about this stuff!

Celtic Sea Salt, Light Grey, 16 Ounce
Click HERE to purchase
4.  Ladies' Night
As you start planning your summer vacation, don't forget to plan some books to read.  Ladies' Night by Mary Kay Andrews should be on your list!  It's a cute little story about a blogger (yes, a blogger!).  You will fall in love with Grace and her relationship with her mom and friends.  The story has everything - humor, heartache, with a little mystery on the side.  Perfect for taking to the beach or reading while you sip your coffee on the back patio.  To sweeten the deal even more, the Kindle version is on sale right now at Amazon for only $2.99.  You will definitely get your money's worth out of this read!

Mary Kay Andrews

5.  Fear not....

Don't forget today's April Fools Day.  If you missed my post from yesterday and are looking for a few fun pranks, you can catch it HERE.  

Have a wonderful weekend.  I'm going with a bride tomorrow to check out the reception venue and get some details squared away.  Love doing that!  Then Sunday Eric and I are headed down to my home town to see all the nieces and nephews.  We just saw them last weekend, but I just can't get enough of them!!  I'll share pictures on Monday.  They are just so darn cute!  Toodles for now!

Linking up with:
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
Ins and Outs
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Happy weekend!! Did Barry wear velvet!? I've only ever seen him wear velvet suits. I think that would get so hot on stage.

  2. I've seen those Cheetos Sweetos, but didn't grab them! I wonder if they're any good?! Happy Friday!

  3. Happy Friday! I'll have to keep my eyes open for the Cheetos as well! :)

  4. I tell you, Americans have the strangest potato chip flavors that we just don't see up in Canada.
    Love that quote at the bottom there.
    I hope you have a great weekend, Penny. You sound like you've got a lot of fun stuff planned!

  5. That's a wonderful quote :) <3 Thanks for sharing.

    LOL @ Lindsay's comment--she's right, you know. We really do have some weird-a** chip flavors.. BUT that one sounds delicious.

    Have a great weekend :)

  6. I've read that book - it was very good!

    Have a great weekend - the change in MO weather gave me a cold, boo!

  7. My mom picked up Ladies' Night and a few other Mary Kay Andrews books at our cousins book swap a few weeks ago. Can't wait to dig into them!

  8. I've never heard of Celtic Salt. That books sounds interesting. I know what you mean about nieces and nephews. I have several and I, too, enjoy spending time with them.

  9. Loved it!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful creativity with us at Friday Favorites! I hope you will join us again this week! Hugs- Christine at Must Love Home
