Monday, April 4, 2016

Weekending - The First One in April

Who doesn't love a weekend?!?  This one encompassed several of my absolute favorite things and I just hate that it went by so fast.  Let me give you a rundown.

Friday night was so low key and wonderful.  I stopped at a couple stores on my way home and then enjoyed the rest of the evening on the couch.  I started reading On Fire and honestly, it's one of the best books I've read in a while.  I'll share more of it with you when I'm completely finished and do a review.  Let me just say, if I hadn't done anything else all weekend besides sit and read this book I would still have considered my weekend a success!

Click HERE to purchase

Saturday morning I joined a bride I'm working with to visit her reception venue.  The bride, Amanda, has chosen a quaint little winery not far from my house called Hidden Lake Winery.  Surprisingly, I had never been there before despite having heard some great things about it.  This is going to be a fabulous venue!  I'm excited to see this wedding come together.

Before Eric headed off to work in the afternoon, we ventured out to find an accent chair for the guest bedroom.  Girls weekend at my house is quickly approaching and the room makeover needs to pick up speed.  I spotted the perfect chair at a local store, but frankly the customer service was so poor I decided to leave without it.  What has happened to customer service these days?!?

After Eric left, I called my friend Tracy to whine about the above mentioned customer service and she came to my rescue.  We headed out for round 2 of chair shopping and had great success.  Not only did we find the exact same chair with an extremely helpful saleswoman, it was $100 cheaper!!  Score!!  New chair will be here Tuesday.  We also snagged an accent table and some accessories for the room.  Great outing!

Sunday we went to church then traveled to my home town to see the babies.  We had just seen them last weekend, but they are growing and changing so fast I just can't get enough of them.  Just look at their sweet faces!

Speaking of growing up too fast - Hunter turned 2 months old over the weekend.  Here's a picture to celebrate.  I'm so smitten with those cute little cheeks!

Monday came way too fast!  But here's hoping we all have a productive week and the next weekend will be here before you know it.  

Hey -- just a side note -- I host a link up every Thursday called Thinking Out Loud Thursday.  Would love for you to stop back by and if you blog, link your favorite post from the week.

Thanks for stopping by!  See you soon!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.

Bella and the City
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Over the Moon

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Hidden lake is awesome... It was my first winery experience when I started dating Keith!

  2. Cute babies and nice chair! I have a great-nephew that is two weeks old and he makes my heart melt. I won't purchase from a place with poor customer service either.

  3. What a lovely accent chair you found too. Love it! Thanks for sharing your post at the Over the Moon Link Party.
