Thursday, June 30, 2016

Five on Friday - July 1, 2016

Holy moly - it's finally Friday!  Happy Fourth of July weekend - three days off here I come!

I'm looking forward to having a little down time to catch up with some stuff. Before that starts, here's my five for this week ~

1. Lingerie Bra Storage Travel Organizer

I've been doing a bit of traveling lately and I found I need a bag for my lingerie.  This little tote would fit the bill quite nicely.  Let's face it, if you're going through Customs and they want to look in your suitcase, who wants their bras and underwear just hanging out for everyone to see?!?  This handy case would keep your private things private.  Click HERE to check it out.  It comes in some cute colors!
2.  National Gingersnap Day
Today is National Gingersnap Day!  Gingersnaps are actually part of my weekend plans.  You see, our local orchard has pick your own peaches this weekend and I plan to whip up a nice peach crisp with gingersnap crumble topping.  Doesn't that sound so good!  I'm using the recipe over at Sweet Peas and Saffron.  If it's as delicious as it sounds, I'll be sharing the recipe next week.

National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day July 1

This magic makeup has become my all time favorite mascara.  It does it all -- lengthens, curls, volumizes and conditions.  And it's clinically proven to increase lash volume by 330%!!  Talk about making your lashes look longer and more full!  Want some?  Click HERE to order yours.

4.  Fourth of July Craft
Check out this cool Fourth of July craft idea by Crafty Morning.  How much fun would this be to make with the kids!  The supply list is minimal and you know how kids love to paint.  If you wanted to make it sparkle, you could even add in a bit of glitter.  Great craft idea!


5.  Maybe next year...
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!  I'm hoping to catch the firework extravaganza at Forest Park again this year.  Sammy Hagar is in town to perform a free show on Sunday night and I want to be there to see it!  Followed by a bit of firework action and my Fourth will be complete!  I'm also visiting a friend for a cookout and going to a wedding shower.   Fun times!!  I still want to tell you about the awesome trip me and my friend, Linda, took to Memphis so I'm hoping to wrap that post up this weekend as well.  So much to do and so little time!  :)  See you soon.

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
The Triplet Farm
Why Girls Are Weird
Ins and Outs
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Gingersnaps are one of my favorite did I miss this memo? Have a great weekend!

  2. Happy 4th! STL always has some great ways to celebrate :)

  3. That storage organizer is so cute!

  4. I love that Bra storage for travel. My bras always end up smashed on the top. Hope you have a good weekend!

  5. I'm digging that bra storage organizer! I do that with my swimsuits as well, just them in bags within my luggage.

    Have a great long weekend Penny!
