Monday, July 4, 2016

Weekending - Fourth of July One

Happy Fourth of July!  I love when holidays fall close to the weekend because then you get three full days off of work.  This year the weather in our area has put a damper on many of our plans.  The clouds and rain came in Friday night and we haven't seen the sun since.  But that's okay -- there was plenty of things I needed to get accomplished inside the house so this just gave me an excuse to get them done.

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Last week I stayed in St. Louis all week for a meeting I helped coordinate.  We had 16 young adults in town and they restored my faith in the Millennials.  They were courteous, responsible and fun to be around.  Their parents have every right to be proud of them.  Friday as they left I honestly was a bit sad they weren't hanging around for the weekend so we could have fun together.  

When I arrived home from work, I had to quickly get ready for a meeting I was having at my house.  The next wedding I'm helping with is in October and the bride is from Hong Kong.  She is visiting for a few days so we had our first meeting about the wedding Friday night.  We covered a lot of ground and will be able to meet one more time before she and her groom fly back to their part of the world.  I just LOVE weddings!!

Saturday morning Eric was off work and we had planned to visit Eckert's for some blackberry and peach picking.  The clouds were ominous, but we went anyway.  Luckily we were able to pick both fruits before the skies opened.  

While we were there, we also enjoyed Eckert's delicious breakfast.  I mean, we were right there so why not!

When I got home, Eric had to head off to work and the rain really made me feel like nesting.  I made a peach crisp with gingersnap crumble topping.  I'll be sharing this recipe tomorrow and you are not going to want to miss it! 

I also curled up on the couch and finished After You by JoJo Moyes.  Have you read it?  It definitely took me a while to get into it; much different than Me Before You did, but it still had many twists and turns that made me want to keep reading.  It was nice to be able to follow Louisa Clark's life after she lost Will.  Can't say the ending was my favorite.  What did you think of the book?


I did get some happy mail on Saturday.  My Old Navy order arrived with three swing dresses I spotted on sale last week.  Guess how much for each dress?  $8!  That's right - eight dollars!  They are as cute in person as they are in the picture.  Not sure how long the sale is going to last, but if you're interested in adding some to your closet click HERE.


Sunday we woke to thunder and lightening.  Our grass has got to be loving this rain!  We, on the other hand, were pretty disappointed it was still coming down.  After church I had a wedding shower to attend for the bride I mentioned earlier.  Her sister and sister-in-law were hosting and they did an amazing job with the decorations.  It was held at Ms. Aimee B's Tea Room in St. Charles.  Adorable location!  Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Our initial plan for Sunday night was to attend Fair St. Louis, listen to the free Sammy Hagar concert and take in the spectacular fireworks show.  Well, after two days of almost constant rain and more rain in the forecast, we decide to forgo those plans.  Sitting outside in the rain and mud just didn't have much appeal.  Instead, we came home and cleaned the utility room.  Almost as fun.  LOL. 

Now we're at Monday.  I'm typing this from a vantage point where I can see the skies.  Looks like more rain is on it's way.  Definitely not going to be a day I can sit out in the sun and read a book.  Watch out kitchen cabinets - I might be cleaning you out next!

Hope your Fourth of July plans have been fabulous!  Be safe!  Even though mine didn't quite turn out as I thought it would, it was still nice to have some time to regroup after being gone all week.  Don't forget to stop by tomorrow for the yummy peach crisp recipe.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
Bella and the City
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Over the Moon

Let's Be Friends Blog Hop with The Dwelling Tree
The Diary of a Real Housewife
My Own Home
While I'm Waiting
Tuesday Talk
Pennies into Pearls
Simply Sweet Home
Life is Lovely
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Looks like a perfect weekend! I love picking fresh fruit and being with friends and family and eating!

  2. Love that swing dress! I wish I would have waited for that sale :) The weather here in NE really put a damper on our plans, too! Oh well, still a day off! Enjoy :)

  3. Happy 4th to you! I went strawberry picking the other weekend and now I want to do all the fruit picking!

  4. The rain didn't hit us until yesterday but it's been nice to simply nest inside. I can't believe that dress was only $8! I love bargains. Hope it's a good week ahead.

  5. Ours didn't go so well either but we got a lot of unpacking done and finally saw some fireworks with my family Monday night so yay! Glad you had a pretty good weekend otherwise :)

  6. I SO agree with how awesome it is when holidays fall around a weekend! Fruit picking is my favorite, and I cannot wait to get the recipe for that crisp. Gingersnaps are my favorite.

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  7. Long weekends are the absolute best! It looks like you had a jam-packed weekend!

    La Belle Sirene 
