Friday, September 16, 2016

Five on Friday - September 16, 2016

Hey guys!  Welcome to Five on Friday.  I'm so looking forward to having a few days off work.  This was my first week back after vacation and you know how those can be.  A few days off is just what I need to try to get things back in order.

We celebrated some exciting news this week ~ our son, Ian, got word that he passed the bar exam!!  Woo Hoo!  We are so proud of him we are busting at the seams.  Way to go Ian!  Now he's officially an attorney.

So here's my five for this Friday ~

1.  Christmas is Coming....
We are officially less than 100 days away from Christmas.  Today marks 99 more days until we are sitting around the tree and opening presents on Christmas morning.  Wanting to get away this year?  Well, here's a deal for you.  Friendly Planet Travel is arranging a trip to Highclere Castle (the castle where the Masterpiece series of Downton Abbey was filmed) for a gala in December.  The five-day package costs $2,799 and features not only a ticket to the party, which will include a three-course dinner, champagne, and carols around the Christmas tree, but also roundtrip flights from the U.S., four nights in London, and the option to add a day trip to Paris.  The dates are December 14-19 so you will even be home in time for Christmas!  Let me know if you go -- I want to hear all about it!

2.  National Play-Doh Day
Sit the kids down and whip out the play-doh today -- it's National Play-Doh Day!  I always had a love/hate relationship with this stuff when Ian was small.  Love that you could create and play for hours.  Hate picking it out of the carpet.  There are tons of easy recipes for making your own dough, which is a fun thing to do with the kids too.  Fun fact - Joe McVicker invented the stuff and actually sold it originally as a wallpaper cleaner.  Happy squishing and shaping today!

National Play-Doh Day September 16

3.  Bridget Jones's Baby
Opens today!  Eric and I rented the original Bridget Jones's Diary just this week so we would be ready for this movie's release.  Renee Zellweger has always just cracked me up playing Bridget Jones and I can't wait to see what shenanigans she gets herself into in this new movie.

Image result for bridget jones baby

4.  Crispin Cider
Fall is approaching and it's time to bust out the Crispin Cider.  There's not many things better than sitting around the fire pit on a cool evening enjoying a cocktail.  I hope this is in my future very soon!  I've had the Crispin Apple Cider before, but I'm going on the hunt for the pear.  Anyone tried it?

Hero Image

5.  Just a thought....

Have a great weekend!  We are headed to my nephew's first birthday party on Sunday.  Boy, it sure doesn't seem like a year since we added him to our family!  Hope you have fun plans.  See you back on Monday.

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
The Triplet Farm
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Great picks for your 5 on Friday! The trip to the Downton Abbey Castle sounds amazing!

  2. I'm really excited for that movie! I may have to go see it in the theatre!

  3. I'm excited about that movie, Snowden and girl on the train ... but first gotta get through a wedding :)

  4. That movie really does look so cute--can't wait to see it! Definitely need to reacquaint myself with the original.

    Congrats to your son!! You must be so proud :)

    Too early for Christmas!! Lol not ready yet!

  5. I can't believe Christmas is 99 days away!!! The Crispin Cider sounds delicious. I will have to look and see if anyone around here carries that drink. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Yay congrats on your son passing the bar, so awesome and what a great accomplishment! I haven't seen all of the Bridget Jones movies,but this one looks good, I mean anything with McDreamy is a win in my book :)

  7. Congrats to Ian...what an accomplishment! That is a great deal on the UK vacation. The airfare alone would be over $1000! Have a great weekend!

  8. I cannot believe it's less than 100 days until Christmas!! And a huge congrats to your son!

  9. I cannot believe Christmas 🎄 is so close!
    Congrats to your son!! Happy weekend

  10. Congrats to your son! I'm more excited about Halloween coming up than Christmas.
