Sunday, September 18, 2016

Weekending - Liam Had a Birthday!

Hello!  Monday sure came quick this week.  I didn't go into the weekend having a lot planned.  Our one big thing was to celebrate our nephew's first birthday.  Liam turned one!

But let me rewind the weekend and start my recap with Friday.  After work, Eric and I headed to the movie theater to see Sully.  Both of us gave it a thumbs up!  I can see some award nominations coming for this flick.

Image result for sully with movie

Saturday we woke to cloudy skies.  We had a few errands to run and got them checked off without any major rainfall.  Breakfast was in order so we went to Blondies to satisfy our craving for some good breakfast grub.

 Their Rosemary Eggs Benedict are to die for!  Great way to start the day.

We had just enough time before Eric had to go to work to take in another movie - Bridget Jones's Baby.  I liked it more than Eric, but he didn't hate it.  It made me chuckle numerous times and even belly laugh a time or two.  In case you had any doubt that Renee Zellweger had something done to her face, doubt no more.  She looks so different than the first two movies!

Image result for bridget jones's baby

Sunday was the big birthday party for Liam.  We traveled back to my home town to help him celebrate turning 1.  My sister-in-law did an amazing job pulling off the mustache theme.  From the mustache shaped sandwiches to the backdrop behind Liam's high chair, every detail was covered.  Now for the phone dump ~

It was a great day!  Happy first birthday, Liam!  We sure love you.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. Happ Birthday Liam! He is so cute. Explore more learning activities for kids in

  2. What a cute theme! Looks like a fun birthday was had :)

  3. Haha, we also went to see Sully, then celebrated our daughter's birthday!

  4. Sounds like the perfect weekend! Great movies, delicious food and a sweet baby to hug!! Happy Monday xxx

  5. I want to see Sully, glad that you give it a thumbs up. Happy birthday to your nephew, so fun and what a great job she did decorating!

  6. Can I just say, Tom Hanks anything is something I'm always down for!

  7. Such a cute theme for a birthday party! That egg dish looks delish.

  8. I've been wondering about the Bridget Movie. I LOOOOOVE Colin Firth. And the previews have her looking NOTHING like REnee, so you may be right! I was afraid this one wouldn't be as good as the first, but I may give it a try....
