Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - September 29, 2016

Hey, hey!  Welcoming to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Thanks for stopping in today and glad you joined me and Vanessa from X-tremely V for this week's version of Thinking Out Loud Thursday.

I honestly don't know where the month of September has gone.  The trip to Hong Kong kept me busy the first half of the month and the last half I've been busy with work.  A reminder of fall arrived in St. Louis on Monday with much milder temps and I'm determined to not let the month of October just slip away without enjoying the spectacular display of autumn sights, sounds and tastes.  So today I'm thinking out loud about my fall to do list.

~  Family pictures
For the last gosh knows how long, I've wanted to get family pictures taken against a backdrop of fall leaves.  Well, this year I'm well on my way!  The date is booked with my favorite photographer, Erica Turner of Turner Creative.  Now, I just have to figure out what we are going to be wearing!

~  Go to the drive in
I absolutely love sitting under the stars watching a movie on the big screen, especially in the fall when there a chill in the air and you can wrap yourself up in a blanket.  We have a drive in very near us and don't go there nearly enough.  Time to get this accomplished before they close for the season and I'm not able to cross this off the list.

~ Pick apples
Eckert's is our go-to apple picking spot and while we're there gathering apples there is a ton of other fun things to do.  Their restaurant has the best fried chicken around!  We also typically take a spin around their country store.  Great way to spend part of a day!

~ Try some new soup recipes
You've probably heard me say this before, but I'm definitely a seasonal cook.  In the heat of the summer, I never cook soups.  But as soon as the temps head south, bring them on!  Two of my favorites are the Tuscan Tortellini Soup and Loaded Potato Soup that I've blogged about before.  This year I have a couple more in my recipe box that we'll be trying and if they are worthy, I'll share them with you on the blog.

~ Clean out my summer clothes
What better time to sort and donate summer clothes than when you're putting them away for the season.  The American Red Cross will be in my neighborhood picking up donations mid-October and that is the perfect time for me to ditch all the clothes from summer that I never even put on my body.  I'll be honest, getting rid of things is NOT something I do well.  I hang on to far more than I should and I'm going to make an honest effort to release some of those garments I know in my heart I will never, ever wear.  Do you have some of those hanging around your closet?

~ Be a better blogger
I've been a bit lax in the blogging world lately...and frankly, I've missed it.  I've let the daily grind of life bog me down and I haven't been as intentional as I'd like to be.  As much as I absolutely love reading your comments, I'm not so good about always leaving them for others or commenting back.  My bad!  And I hope to change that moving into forward.  

So that's the highlights I'm hoping to hit this fall.  What about you?  Do you have a fall to do list?  Would love to hear about some of the things you are hoping to cross off your list.

Now it's your turn -- link up your favorite post and let us know what you're thinking out loud about today.  I promise to visit and comment each and every post.  :)

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:
Party at My Place
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I'd bypass Belleville and go to other apple farms. We tried to go last weekend as their website said it was good to go - get there and the sign where you get your bag said "due to all the year's rain the apples will have blemishes" and boy did they. The only decent ones were the ones they had already pulled and put into trucks for people to pick out. Needless to say I was very disappointed, especially since we usually don't go until October-ish and have never had issues :(

  2. That is a great to-do list for fall. We did our anniversary photos this past summer and I did a blog post at that time with regard to preparing for photos. There are a couple of good links in the post that might help you too.

    I went apple picking last weekend and it was busy! I picked Cortland and Spartan apples. They are so tasty when they are ripe off the tree.

    I am going to try your soup recipes they both sound so yummy. I have also been a very delinquent blogger lately and I have got to get back on track.

    Have a great day!

  3. I love this! Family pictures in the Fall are always nice.

  4. I am so excited to go apple picking with my parents and aunt and uncle in a couple weeks!

  5. Yay for Fall pictures! Picking out outfits is my favorite, we did our pictures at the beginning of Sept. because of the location. I'm going to try your loaded potato soup, that sound fantastic! Now the weather just needs to cool down.

  6. That's a great list :) Good luck with it!
    Great idea for a linky too... When does this close? I may want to add mine :)

    — DT | Here I Scribble

  7. I'm looking for some new soup recipes too...some that I can freeze are a plus!
