Friday, October 28, 2016

Five on Friday - October 28, 2016

It's the weekend!!  Oh my goodness -- I'm so excited for the end-of-day bell to ring today and it officially be the weekend!  I'm actually going to sleep tomorrow until my eyes open on their own.  No alarm clocks.  No jumping in the shower immediate after waking up.  No looking at the clock every five minutes to make sure I'm not running late.  It's going to be glorious!!  But before any of that, I want to share my five for today with you ~

1.  SipCaddy
Are you a person that loves a long, leisurely bath?  This accessory might be just what you need to make that bath even better!  The SipCaddy suction-cups to your wall and will hold a glass, bottle or can.  How cool is that?!?  I'm thinking of several people who might love a SipCaddy for a birthday or Christmas gift.  Got any of those on your list?  They are available to purchase HERE.  

Image result for sipCaddy

2.  Lady Liberty
One hundred and thirty years ago today the Statue of Liberty was dedicated.   President Grover Cleveland presided over the event, which was really cool considering he was the former New York governor.  I remember the first time I saw her, standing so proud on an island across the way.  It literally brought tears to my eyes.  I can't even imagine how the countless number of people felt that saw her from the other side as they were coming to the United States with so much enthusiasm and promise in their hearts to be on our soil.  Our country is something many Americans take for granted ~ and sometimes I think I do too.  On this day, let's all stop and be thankful for what we have here.  It may not be perfect, but it's pretty darn close!

3.  Inferno
Tom Hanks is back in Inferno!  It seems like forever ago since I read the book, so I'm sure I won't remember most of the story.  Ha!  But I am looking forward to this movie.  Tom Hanks plays Robert Langdon who wakes up in an Italian hospital with amnesia.  He then teams up with Dr. Sienna Brooks to solve a murder and prevent a terrorist act against the Vatican.  Even if the movie is bad, I'm looking forward to seeing the scenery.

I have a thing for cookbooks -- I love them ALL!!  The new Barefoot Contessa cookbook hit the stands this week and it's going on my Christmas list.  Good 'ole Ina loves to cook for her Jeffrey so I'm sure the concoctions in this book are to die for.  Want one?  You can purchase your very own copy HERE.


5.  Some days....

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 42 Pics:

Enjoy the weekend!  We are having dinner with Kayla and Ian on Saturday.  Then on Sunday we're going to see Bret Michaels!!  I love him and can't wait to sign loud and off key at the concert.  What's on your agenda?  Hope it's amazing whatever it is!  

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
The Triplet Farm
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!



  2. I'm far too big to fit in my own bath tub so I've never really had a thing for soaking in the tub. The wine caddy is pretty damn rockin' though if you ask me. I know a lot of people would love this!! :)

    Have a fab weekend my friend! Xo

  3. Love your five for today... especially the wine caddy! :)

  4. A Poison concert in my college days is still one of my favorites! If I remember, I drank alota Boone's Strawberry Wine that night, too! Have fun!

  5. I am SO excited for this new cookbook! I love all of her books and I just know it's going to be so good!!

  6. Have a fun weekend! We are headed to main street st charles for the pumpkin glow tonight then a chili/bonfire tomorrow night then sunday the kimmswick apple butter fest before I work that night. Its going to fly by!

  7. It's been a long time since I read that book as well - I'm thinking it's going to make the movie even better lol like finding the story all over again!

  8. Love that Sip Caddy! A few on my list might be receiving it this year! I must admit, I was teary eyed the first time I saw Lady Liberty, too!! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
