Monday, October 31, 2016

Weekending - October 28, 2016

Happy Halloween!!  I left a little surprise on some of my work friend's desks this morning.  Love the free printable (found HERE)!  Print, cut and mount on some fun orange print cardstock and you are set to go.

Behind the cute sign is a shot bottle of Captain Morgan Jack-O-Blast.  Perfect for this little adult Halloween goody!

We experienced summer like weather in St. Louis this weekend and it felt great!  As far as I'm concerned, the longer we can put off cold temps, the better.

Friday night we did nothing -- and it was so refreshing!  We opened a bottle of wine and emptied our DVR.  I did snap a few pictures of our Halloween decorations.  Since today is Halloween, I thought I'd share them with you.

Saturday night we enjoyed having dinner with Kayla and Ian.  A couple months ago we joined Cooper Hawk Winery's wine club.  With the membership comes two free wine tastings each month.  Love them!  You get to sample eight different wines each month with the tasting and, I have to admit, I love the crackers they give you with the tasting as much as I love trying the wine!  We jumped ahead a few days and sampled the November menu.

On Sunday after church, me, Eric and Tracy headed to the polls for some early voting.  You never really know how long the lines will be on election day and by voting early you don't have to worry about it.  Do they offer early voting where you live?  I opted to wear my "I Voted" sticker and Tracy is saving hers until the actual election day.  Either way, it feels great to be an American and have the privilege of voting.  Hope you're planning to exercise your right as an American and vote!

Sunday night Eric and I joined some of my work friends for the Bret Michaels concert at River City Casino.  We ate at The Beerhouse before heading to the concert venue.  Even though I've seen Bret in concert 183743874 a lot, I never tire of seeing him.  He's full of energy and plays all my favorite songs.  Great way to end the weekend!

 Tonight I'm being a Halloween scrooge and having dinner with Ian instead of handing out candy.  I felt guilty about it for a nano second, but Eric is working late and jumping up and down to open the door all night just really didn't sound fun to me.  I know, that's bad.  Does anyone else feel this way?!?

Whatever you're doing this Halloween eve, hope you have a great time!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Over the Moon

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Love the beerhouse, it's one of our favorites! I always forget about concerts at river city, I'm sure it's a great venue.

  2. What a fun idea! I love "boo-ing" friends, but boo-zing them sounds so much better!

  3. Love all the Halloween decorations. I saw Bret Michaels in concert once in St. Louis. It was during his 'Rock of Love' stage.
