Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - November 3, 2016

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday! Thanks for popping in to join me and Vanessa from X-tremely V for our little linkup party.

Today - the day after the Cubs won their first World Series in more than 100 years -- I'm not thinking about a lot.  We stayed up and watched the game last night, which lasted way too late for me to get a good night's sleep.  I'm operating on 4 hours of shut eye so forgive me if my thoughts today are not all neat and tidy.

I thought many of you might be facing a candy overload at your house after Trick or Treating on Monday.  After tolerating your over-sugared children all week, you might need the below chart of wine and candy pairings.  Grab all the Snickers and a nice bottle of Cab!

Now that Halloween is finished, my thoughts are quickly turning to Thanksgiving.  I love Thanksgiving!  Are you with me?!?  And it's the first of November that I start thinking about the Christmas gifts that need to be purchased.  It seems every year I buy more and more online.  Two things I just don't know what I would do without are Amazon Prime and Ebates.

Have you tried Prime?  If not, I'm here to say IT.IS.WONDERFUL!  Love the two day free shipping!  Makes things a little easier for a procrastinator like myself.  Here's another thought -- you could actual give Amazon Prime as a gift!  Super easy - just click the below picture to check it out.

Now let's chat about Ebates.  Any day now my big fat check is going to be landing in my mailbox for this quarter.  Ebates is so, so simple.  You just log in to your Ebates account, search for the store you wish to shop at and you will be directed to their site.  Shop away and a percentage of your purchase will be deposited in your Ebates account.  Once a quarter, Ebates will issue you a big fact check.  It truly is that simple!  Don't waste another day -- sign up and start adding to your own big fat check!  Click HERE to sign up.

That's all my thoughts right now.  Have a wonderful Thursday and hope to see you back tomorrow for my Friday Favorites linky party and my Five on Friday post.  Link up below and let us know what you're thinking about today!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I need to get some thanksgiving decorations, now that we are in the new house. Time to put halloween away!

  2. I just joined with Ebates too and am loving it so far! It's actually forcing me to be a little creative where I get my products from, but for things that I need and use often, why not take the extra step to get some cash back, right?!

    Also I love this candy/wine pairing guide. Genius! Thanks for sharing :) I watched part of last night's game too. Exciting to be alive for this moment for the cubbies! XOXO

  3. That infographic of wine/candy? Love.
    Love. Love. Love.

    And, often things I wonder about anyway. If you look at my most recent Google searches it says things like, "What wine pairs with M&Ms?"
