Friday, December 2, 2016

Five on Friday - December 2, 2016

December is here!  Welcome to day number 2 of the last month of 2016.  Oh my goodness -- this year has flown by.  I'm going to give it my all to make this last month of the year the best ever.  Are you with me!!

I've been out of town on business since Tuesday and I'm looking forward to getting back home later today.  My friend, Carol, decorated my house for Christmas early in the week and I'm excited to sit on the couch this weekend and bask in the glow of the Christmas lights on our tree!  But before that happens, I want to share my five things for this week~

1.  Saint Nicholas Day - December 6
Do you celebrate Saint Nicholas Day in your house?  If so, it's coming up and if you are anything like I was when Ian was little, you can use a couple days notice.  So the story is you put your shoes out on December 5 (Monday night) and Saint Nicholas comes overnight and puts candy and such in them.  Some history for you ~ Saint Nicholas comes from Nichols of Myra who was a bishop in 4th century Greece.  He was notorious for putting coins into other people's shoes.  Enjoy!

2.  Chalkboard Tablecloth
My friend, Tracy, gave me a chalkboard tablecloth for my birthday and it is the coolest thing!  I put it on our kitchen table during Thanksgiving with several colorful sticks of chalk.  The kids (and even some of the adults) loved drawing pictures on it.  Later in the night, my nephew Kayden even did some math problems on it.  If you have little ones around, I can't recommend this item enough.  Just whip it out and let the fun begin!  I'm also looking forward to using it as shown on the picture below.   Check it out HERE.

3.  Crochet Hooks with Lights
Looking for something to give that crocheter in your life?  I might have found the perfect thing for you!  The crochet hook has a light at the end, making it easier to see your thread.  I gave some of these to my mom for her birthday and she gave them the nod of approval.  They are available HERE if you are in the market for some.

4.  La La Land
I'm kind of pumped about seeing this flick which opens today.  There's something about the chemistry between Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling that draws me to want to see this movie.  I loved them together in Crazy, Stupid Love.  Here the summary of La La Land "Tells the story of Mia [Emma Stone], an aspiring actress, and Sebastian [Ryan Gosling], a dedicated jazz musician, who are struggling to make ends meet in a city known for crushing hopes and breaking hearts. Set in modern day Los Angeles, this original musical about everyday life explores the joy and pain of pursuing your dreams."  Is it on your want to see list?

5.  Wish List

might have to make a holiday plaque like that.:

Enjoy your weekend!  We have a fairly low key one in store.  My big goal is to take inventory of the gifts I've been purchasing and throwing in the back closet.  I might be close to being done shopping, but really have no clue.  Anybody with me?!?  We are also hoping to take in a light display or two.  See you back next week!

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. This is such a fun list! We live in Austria and Nikolausfeier is HUGE on 6 Dec. It's also my son's birthday, so he gets a little extra surprise in the morning! :) I'm loving that chalkboard tablecloth, too! Very cool!

  2. That chalkboard tablecloth looks so great! (Does it get chalk everywhere?! I'd be afraid it'd get in my food).

    There's an Italian restaurant I go to that uses butcher paper as tablecloth so kids can just occupy themselves drawing all over it! :)

  3. What a fun tablecloth! I need to finish shopping, maybe this weekend!

  4. I love the idea of that tablecloth! So fun!

  5. Oooooh I bet I'd love that movie! I'll have to check it out!

  6. That letter to Santa is spot-on! I'll take that gift in a heartbeat!

  7. Love that letter to Santa! I also really want to see that movie. I love Emma Stone. Those crochet hooks would make the perfect present for my mom, so thanks for sharing them!

  8. How nice of your friend to decorate your home! Wow, that's one great friend!
    Love the chalkboard table cloth, that's cool!

    Have a great weekend love!

  9. Hope you had a great weekend and that you were able to see the light display this weekend--that sounds like so much fun! I really want to see La La Land... I just ADORE Ryan Gosling (I mean, really, who doesn't?!) and it looks like such a sweet movie <3

    Also where is that tradition from with St. Nicholas Day and the shoes? I had a friend whose family was from Spain and they celebrated that tradition but my family is German so our St. Nicholaus Day was a bit different (I think families typically gather in town and meet with Santa who gives good boys/girls coins and the parents of the bad kids a stick for whipping. At least that's what we were told and of course it instilled the fear of god in us, LOL!)


  10. That tablecloth is such a great idea! Love it!

    Bows & Clothes
