Monday, December 5, 2016

Weekending - December 2, 2016

Happy Monday!  I'm a bit sad the weekend is over -- how about you?  What I thought was going to be a very quiet weekend turned into some fun things and lots of rest.

Friday late afternoon I ended up getting tickets to see Annie at the Fox Theater.  I love going to the Fox this time of year!

Their lights are spectacular and the whole atmosphere really helps put you in the Christmas spirit.  Just look at the ceiling in the grand hall and main staircase!

Eric and I popped in one of our favorite restaurants for some beef - Valentine's in Freeburg, Illinois.  It's kind of a hole in the wall a casual dining place, but you can consistently get good steaks there for a very reasonable price.  I got home from work early and Eric was off, so we played like we were senior citizens and went to dinner at 5:00 pm.  It was actually a pretty good gig because there was no wait and the service was super fast.  I had a Groupon so it was quite the deal!

After dinner, we picked up our neighbors who were joining us for the play and headed downtown.  We decided to do dessert at the Fox.  A couple of us picked the ice cream sundaes.  Check out the size of this baby!  It was about the size of my head.  Somehow I managed to eat most of it -- YUM!

Saturday was a total relaxing day for me.  Eric had to work early and I decided to catch up on some emails and watch TV.  We have a Christmas tree in our bedroom and I love laying in bed with the lights on the tree twinkling and working.  Working -- and binge watching Hoarders - Buried Alive.  I know, but I just could not look away!!

When Eric got home, we decided since the weather was pretty decent we should explore an outdoor light display.  We grabbed some dinner at Twisted Ranch (great grilled cheese!) and headed over to Anheuser Busch Brewery.

I think half the state decided that was a good activity to do Saturday night because it was CROWDED!!  Nonetheless, we enjoyed strolling around enjoying the lights and people watching.

They had several s'more stations set up, a chain saw carver and a sand sculptor.  Fun family activity if you're looking for one.

Sunday after church I did something I had never done before.  Eric went off to work and I decided to go to see a movie all by myself.  You know what -- it was quite enjoyable.  I saw Allied and highly recommend it.  I would be surprised if it doesn't get a Best Picture nod.  Brad Pitt is looking fine in this one girls!  Have you seen it?  What did you think?

Oh -- by the way.  You may or may not know that I'm a Pampered Chef consultant.  This week they have been adding stuff to their outlet and when this baby popped up I knew I had to share it with you.  This 13" ceramic plate is currently on sale for $9.90!  The ceramic plate is flat for easier cutting and serving.  It also detaches from the base for use as a platter, compact storage and easy cleaning.  What a deal!  Order quick if you want one because once they are gone, they're gone.  Click HERE to check it out.

And that's a wrap on my weekend!  Can you believe in 19 days it will be Christmas?!?  This week needs to be full of getting stuff done!  Hope you have a productive week too!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Over the Moon

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Gosh, the pictures of your food look so good. That sundae. And those french fries! French fries are my weakness.
    I love a weekend filled with delicious food!

  2. Sounds like such a great weekend. That ceiling is gorgeous. But that steak....YUM! lol

  3. Omg so many things to comment on! 1. The theater is gorgeous!!! It reminds me of the Fox Theatre here in Atlanta. 2. that sundae!! Yummmmm. 3. I really want to see Allied. I am so glad you recommend it!

  4. Might aim for brewery lights Friday but for sure are doing Holiday in the Park at Six Flags on Saturday to check out all that. I've heard its great!
