Friday, January 13, 2017

Five on Friday - January 13, 2017

This is what we are bracing for this weekend:

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The weather forecast has totally taken over normal life around here.  The grocery stores are packed, gas stations don't have a single available pump and school/events are getting cancelled left and right!  My plan is to head into work early and hope to leave before all the craziness starts.  If I miss my window to get home safely, I'll just hang out at the office and eat all the food in the vending machines.

Before the icepocolypse begins, let me present my five for this week ~

1.  Orly Coffee Break
Orly is my all-time favorite nail polish brands and last week I tried a new shade - Coffee Break. This hue has a light shimmer and a nice neutral color. It's lasted all week so that makes it a winner in my book.
Orly Nail Lacquer, Coffee Break, 0.6 Fluid Ounce

2.  STABILicers Walk Stabilicers Ice Traction Cleat for Snow and Ice
It's too bad I didn't pick up a pair of these before this weekend. These babies offer a traction cleat to help you walk on ice and snow. A pair in my size is less than $20! They even roll up small enough to fit in your purse. Want some? Click HERE to check them out.

3. Tocca Cleopatra Hand Creme
Thank you Birchbox for dropping in a sample of this lotion! It smells divine and feels like silk on my hands. I love it! The scent is grapefruit and cucumber -- doesn't sound great, but man it is! And look how cute the package is. It looks great sitting on my desk and I can just squeeze a little on my hands when I need a pick me up. It's available HERE.

4.  Patriots Day
Pretty pumped that Patriots Day is opening this weekend.  Here's the storyline from Movie Insider, "In the aftermath of an unspeakable attack, Police Sergeant Tommy Saunders (Mark Wahlberg) joins courageous survivors, first responders and investigators in a race against the clock to hunt down the bombers before they strike again. Weaving together the stories of Special Agent Richard DesLauriers (Kevin Bacon), Police Commissioner Ed Davis (John Goodman), Sergeant Jeffrey Pugliese (J.K. Simmons) and nurse Carol Saunders (Michelle Monaghan) this visceral and unflinching chronicle captures the suspense of one of the most sophisticated manhunts in law enforcement history and celebrates the strength of the people of Boston."  Sounds like a great movie to see while the weather is making it difficult to do anything else.

Image result for patriots day

5.  Fashion Statement...

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Okay guys -- time for me to head into work.  Wish me luck!  Be safe out there this weekend.

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. That shade of polish is so pretty! I have been wearing similar ice cleats for weeks now when I go to the dog park. They are a life saver. We've had them for years and this is the first time I've ever put them on. And $20 is steal! I might need to grab another pair. I also have that Birchbox lotion and love it! Safe travels to and from work.

  2. I love the polish. I want the boot stabilization for our nasty PNW weather here now too! Yuck! And also I've used that lotion Tocca before and it's heaven! Great brand!

  3. I'm surprised they are making you go in. Lots of companies were saying stay home and work remotely.

  4. I love the "dressing for cold weather" pic :) Accurate! It's been SO COLD here lately, too--I can't take it any longer.

    Love those Tocca scents--I always have to try them whenever I'm in Sephora. They make me feel like I'm in Italy :)

    Also those cleats look amazing! Snow and ice always freak me out b/c I'm deathly afraid of breaking all of the things. And that nail polish is so pretty!

    Hope you have a great weekend :) XOXO

  5. We had a blizzard here last night with immense storm - I thought we were going to fly away! At some point the house was even shaking. Needless to say there was no sleep to be found. Stay warm and safe!

  6. Hope you're able to get home safely! We're supposed to get some freezing rain but nothing too crazy I don't think!

  7. Oh I love that shade of nail polish. I won't lie, I saw it an instantly thought it would be a perfect lip color! I hope you don't get too much snow, it's always a bummer but that traction cleat will help a lot. I need a pair of those!

  8. I'm going to need to look into those shoes for when the snow comes back! I slipped SO many times last week. (I blame the Californian in me).

  9. Great picks and stay safe around that icepocalypse.... sounds terrible. -Cass from

  10. I was not made for cold weather. That fashion statement though....all me :)

  11. We had brutal weather last weekend -- terribly cold and lots of snow and hail. I hope you're keeping nice and warm somewhere toasty! I just love those thingy's for your feet. I have a similar pair and they're great when it's slick out.

    Have a lovely weekend my friend. :)

  12. Oh my gosh your number 5....I love it! SO funny and so true

  13. That shade of nail polish is gorgeous! I will have to check out that brand. Patriot's Day looks like such a good movie -- fingers crossed to see it in theaters. I hope you've managed to stay warm this weekend!

  14. We had a lot of that icy weather here in Virginia and my husband was certainly glad he had a pair of those grippers for his boots.
