Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - January 19, 2017

Happy Thursday!  We've almost made it to the weekend!  Thanks for popping in today for some Thinking Out Loudness.

I've been away from home all week for work and am really looking forward to getting back there on Friday.  It seems when I'm away I get all fired up about the things I'm going to do when I arrive back home.  Mind you, last weekend I was in my house most of the weekend and managed to get little to nothing done.  But I have high hopes that this weekend will be different.

As you know, Monday was Martin Luther King Day.  Since many people had the day off, it meant for those of us who had to work traffic was fantastic!  To make the day even better, I saw so many great quotes from Dr. King.  Now, I have to admit, I'm a true sucker for a good quote. So to keep my spirits high and my motivation at a peak level, I thought I would reminisce about some of the great quotes I saw on Monday ~

7 Powerful Quotes About Love From Martin Luther King Jr. | YourTango:

MLK                                                                                                                                                                                 More:

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." -Martin Luther King JR:

Martin Luther King Jr. Quote: “No person has the right to rain on ...:

Do you have a favorite quote?  Hope some of these inspire you!  And here's hoping I'll stay inspired to do some great things when I get home on Friday.  :)

Now it's your turn ~ link up below and let us know what you're thinking out loud about!  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I love a good quote too---in fact, I have a quote of the day on my blog each post!!
    And the one that we are all in the same boat, says so many things to me!!

  2. The quote "in the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" is probably one of my favorites. He was such a power speaker and writer. I'm amazed at all he fought for in this world.

  3. I love a good quote and these are awesome! Happy Thursday xxx

  4. His words resonate with me now more than ever before. Living in this small town has made me realize just how much our voice matters. Just because schools and communities have done things the same way for years and years and years, doesn't make it the best thing for children. The problem for ME here, though, is finding a voice while also respecting a culture.

  5. At the moment my favorite quote is from the new Carrie Underwood song - "all the ajax in the world aint going to clean your dirty laundry!"

  6. Great quotes! I love that one about how we come on different ships, but we're all in the same boat :)
