Friday, January 27, 2017

Five on Friday -- January 27, 2017

Yay -- we made it to Friday!  Are you ready for the weekend?  Even though I'm going to be doing a little bit of work for my real job, I'm still glad it's the weekend.  And who can believe that this is the last weekend in January already!?!  Boy, this month has flown by.

Before today gets away from me, here's my five for this week.

1.  Happy Birthday to My Brother
My little brother is celebrating a birthday today - Happy Birthday Ernie!  When Ernie was born I was twelve years old.  He became my living doll.  I would tote him around and try to teach him all kinds of tricks.  Now that we're adults, he is always there to help me with whatever crazy thing I need.  Happy birthday, Ernie!  Hope you have a wonderful day!

2.  Fitbit Charge 2 Heart Rate
A friend of mine at work has been sporting this Fitbit and has totally sold me on the idea that I need one.  I added it to my Wish List on Amazon and have been viewing it on a daily basis wondering if I should buy it or not.  Today I looked and it's $20 off.  That's a sign that I should buy it, right?!?  It has some great features ~
>See call, text & calendar notifications on the OLED display; Automatically track how long and how well you sleep and wake with a silent vibrating alarm.
>Get a better understanding of your fitness level and see how you can improve over time with a personalized Cardio Fitness Score; Use Connected GPS during run mode to see real-time stats like pace and distance on your wrist.
>Track all-day activity like steps, distance, calories burned, floors climbed and active minutes;Find moments of calm throughout your day with personalized guided breathing sessions based on your heart rate.

Another thing I love about this Fitbit is you can get a band that looks like a more traditional watch band.  Just look at this one.  What do you think?  Should I buy it?

3.  Socket Sealers
Have you ever noticed that in the winter you can feel coldness around your outlets?  Well, these little things can help with that issue! Amazon says, "Electrical sockets and switch plates on exterior walls can be hidden sources of drafts that may lead to high heating and cooling costs. Duck Brand Socket Sealers Insulating Seals act as a buffer between your home's inside and the outdoor air, helping to keep conditioned air in and outside air out. The seal is easily installed by fitting snuggly behind the outlet or switch's outer faceplate cover."  They are super easy to install yourself and right now on Amazon they are only $2.88 for a pack of 16!  That's a steal!  Do yourself a favor and pick up a pack. We have them on all our exterior outlets.  Click HERE to get some.

4.  Valentine's Mailbox Wrap
I decorated the outside of our house last weekend for Valentine's Day (no, I haven't done anything on the inside yet).  I just love this mailbox wrap we have for our mailbox!  It's magnetic and stays put by hugging your mailbox.  It comes with an adapter if your mailbox happens to not be metal.  We've had ours for four years now and it looks the same as the day we bought it.  Now for the inside - hopefully I can get those decorations up before Valentine's Day is over!

5.  Who hasn't done this....

Okay guys, let's get this weekend thing started!  I'm hoping some angel takes over my body and I get everything on my to do list done.  Seems like that list just keeps getting longer instead of shorter.  :)  Hope your weekend is fantastic!  See you back here soon.

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Haha yes! That is exactly what I do when I hate an outfit after I try it on.

  2. You always share the best memes :) LOL!! Love that one. Happy birthday to your brother! And love that Valentine's Day mailbox sticker--super cute (and especially convenient that it's magnetic).

    Hope you have a great weekend :) PS: I have a Fitbit and I love it. Though it's a few years old now and not working as well as it did when I first got it and I'm looking to upgrade, too--the one you have here looks pretty amazing!

  3. Squeeeelll! I love that mailbox cover! How fun :)

    I hope you can stop by:


  4. I love my Fitbit except it doesn't track cycling correctly so may need to look into it.

  5. OH MY GOSH, YES. My clothes that I try on in the morning are ALL thrown around the floor. Sometimes I'll kick them because I'm so angry about them. Haha

  6. Get the Fitbit......absolutely love mine!!!

  7. Hey Penny, I hope the weekend gods were good to you and you had a good one but productive one as well.
    I'm loving the more stylish silver band the Fitbit has; it really does look like a nice watchbband instead of the Fitbit.
