Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - February 2, 2017

In case you haven't looked at the calendar today, let me reminder you what day it is (besides it being Thinking Out Loud Thursday) - it's Groundhog Day!  You know, that day when they wake up  a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil out in Pennsylvania at 5 am Eastern time to learn if he is going to see his shadow.

Now, I'm 53 years old, which means I've been around on a few several Groundhog Days and I still can't remember when we'll have six more weeks of winter!  So, for those of you like me, let me set the record straight.

If the little fellow sees his shadow, folklore goes he will scurry back into his burrow and it's a sign of six more weeks of winter.  But if it's cloudy, that's a sign of spring encouraging the groundhog to stay above ground.  It just doesn't make sense to me that a sunny day means six more weeks of winter.  Maybe that's why I have such a hard time remembering which is which!!

Image result for groundhog day

By the time most of you read this post, we will already know our fate for the next six weeks.  As I type this we are hours away from the big reveal.  Here's hoping (and praying) that Punxsutawney Phil awakes to a cloudy day and does NOT see the shadow - I'm more that ready for spring!!

Now it's your turn -- what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and let us know!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. My husband just heard a tidbit that the hotel prices for this event are more than for the Superbowl----isn't that crazy??

  2. Phil says 6 more it gets to the 50s this weekend ;)

  3. Hahaha, love this! I wouldn't mind a few more weeks of winter - that means a few more potential Snow Days ;)

  4. Yea I never really got that too, shouldn't sunshine mean spring is here?

  5. Thanks for hosting. It is interesting. I just look at it is another way for people to celebrate something.
