Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - February 9, 2017

Hey, hey!  Welcome to another week of Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  I haven't touched this space since last Thursday and I've been missing it.  Last week I came down with a nasty cold and then I got a double eye infection.  Boy, put the two of those together and they kicked my butt!  Glad to say I'm on the mend and was actually able to wear my contacts today for the first time in almost a week.

Let me tell you about a couple things I've been up to ~

I've seen one more movie on the Best Picture list.  I went with a couple friends from book club to see Moonlight.  Guys, I have to say I didn't like it.  At all.  First, right at the beginning the camera did this spinning around the characters thing and it made me ill.  The first half of the movie I was sitting there hoping not to have to run to the restroom and vomit because of the vertigo I was experiencing.  Very sad, sad movie.  Not my vote for best picture.  Have you seen it?

Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
La La Land
Manchester by the Sea

Last weekend we celebrated my great nephew's first birthday.  His mom, Kristian, did a great job planning and executing his fishing party.  Just look at some of the pictures ~

Image may contain: 2 people

Image may contain: 1 person

I made this banner for the party.  I loved the way it turned out.  I'm thinking about listing one like this on Etsy.  

Image may contain: indoor

Isn't he the cutest thing!?!  This weekend we're headed back down to my home town to celebrate my niece's first birthday!  We are loving all these birthday parties!

So what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up below and let us know!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. We haven't seen any of the movies this year!! Yet!!
    We are getting ready to head to Seattle next weekend for a fun meet up with another blogger and to celebrate our anniversary!!

  2. That banner is adorable! You should definitely list it on etsy!

  3. Saw Lion last night. Great movie.

  4. We just watched Arrival last weekend - very good! You totally need to see that and Hacksaw Ridge :)

  5. Aw, Hunter is SO cute. His cheeks!!! The only movie I've seen on that list is La La Land. I really want to see Lion!
