Friday, January 6, 2017

Five on Friday - January 6, 2017

Hello everyone!  We've made it to Friday!  I have to admit, early in the week I didn't know if I would.  But then again, half the week I didn't even know what day it was.  I'm glad that this first week back to work after the holidays is behind us!

My five for today spans the whole weekend.  Two of my items are actually for Sunday, but we can all use a little advance notice on things, right?!?

1.  Golden Globes
Award season is upon us!  The Golden Globes, hosted by Jimmy Fallon, is this Sunday! Our TV will definitely be tuned into NBC at 8 PM Eastern on Sunday evening and I'll be judging every dress the camera lands on.  Do you get into award shows?  I'm a bit behind in seeing all the nominations, but it will still be fun to watch.

2.  VitaFusion Women's Vitamins
At one of our girls nights, the subject of vitamins came up and two of my friends mentioned they take these gummy vitamins.  My next trip to Sam's I picked some up and oh my goodness - within a week I could definitely tell a difference in my energy level.  Wish I had started taking them long ago!  If one of your New Year's resolutions is to get healthier, you might want to add these to your shopping list and start taking them yourself.  You can also get them from Amazon HERE.  And did I mention how great they taste?!?  Just like getting candy.
VitaFusion™ Women's Complete Multivitamin - VITAFUSION - GNC
3.  National Bubble Bath Day
Sunday is a fun little holiday - it's national bubble bath day!  So before you plop on the couch to watch the Golden Globes, take a nice, long bubble bath to get all relaxed.  I have to admit, I rarely take a bubble bath.  But when I do, I always love it.  Guess that's something I should try to do more of.  Are you a bubble bath type of person?  If so, Sunday is your day!

4.  Hidden Figures
This movie has been getting a lot of hype and it's finally released.  Definitely on my want to see list.  Have you heard about it?  Here's the story line from Mover Insider, "Hidden Figures is the incredible untold story of Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae)—brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation’s confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big."  It's too bad that John Glenn passed away in December before the movie was released.  I wonder it he got an advanced copy.

Image result for hidden figures

5.  Watch out....


One more thing I'd like to mention to you - earlier this week I had an opportunity to pop in Eckert's to see their new ice skating rink.  So cool!  The rink itself is a synthetic material so no actual water is involved in the "ice" rink.  That means when your kids are skating around and fall, they won't be coming off the ice all wet.  Which also means when they are done skating you can enjoy Eckert's Country Store and Restaurant without having to change your children's clothes into dry ones.  Wins for everyone!  This activity will be available until February 26 so check it out if you are in the area!

Hope you have a great weekend!  I have a get together with my girl friends on the agenda - fun times! We are also planning to take down our Christmas decorations.  Yes, we still have all five trees up and it always makes me a little sad when they come down.  I also have a couple birthday parties in February that I'm helping with the decorations so I'm hoping to get a start on that.  What's on your agenda?  Whatever it is, hopes it's fun!

Linking up with:
5 on Friday 
Why Girls Are Weird

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Ah, the Golden Globes - cannot wait! I am so looking forward to all the award shows! Have a fab weekend!

  2. I'm like you! My tree is still up. I'm in denial that Christmas is over. I don't usually watch award shows, but Jimmy Fallon is one of my favorites, so I think I'm going to make an exception for this one!

  3. I took Christmas down on Wed before heading back to school on Thursday :( Its sad packing it up but with the way life goes fast, it'll be back up in no time!

    I need to check those vitamins out. I take a daily but eh, always in for changing things up!

  4. I need some vitamins in my life, but I'm not a gummy girl. Do you know if these come in regular capsules!? And yes! I'll be watching the Golden Globes, too! After my bubble bath, of course! Happy Friday!

  5. A bubble bath + the Golden Globes sound like a perfect plan this weekend!
    Happy Friday :)

    xo, Jessy |

  6. I had no idea that the Golden Globes was Sunday! How did I miss that it's so soon?! Thanks for letting me know!

  7. Yay for bubble baths, and I think I need to get those vitamins...I can join the kids when they eat their gummy vitamins.

  8. Oh, I love ice skating! I'm not very good, though. It's super hard! :)

    Bows & Clothes

  9. That's neat re: ice skating rink--sounds like a lot of fun (PS: I haven't been to an ice rink in AGES, thanks for the reminder to try this!). Also those gummy vits sound delicious! I also had no idea re: Golden Globes this weekend--will have to watch (I love me some Jimmy!).

    XOXO and have a great weekend!

  10. Really looking forward to the Golden Globes!!!

  11. Uh, may have to tune into the Golden Globes. I'm intrigued to what dresses the actresses may wear. -Jocelyne from

  12. I used to watch awards shows but no longer do. Enjoy watching this evening. :)
    I hope you had a good weekend, Penny!

  13. I love award season so much! I don't have live TV, so I had to watch the golden globes through Twitter updates. That opener was stellar! I love that LaLa Land swept the awards too! So great!
