Monday, January 9, 2017

Weekending - January 6, 2017

Oh my -- this weekend felt good!  We were off work last Monday, making it a 4-day work week.  A 4-day work week that felt like 25 days!  Friday night could not have gotten here any sooner!  We decided to stay in, eat pizza and watch a movie.

The movie we decided on was Mr. Church.  I had wanted to see this movie when it came out, but we missed it in the theaters.  I was thrilled when Amazon picked it up - and it was free with Amazon Prime!  Eric and I both loved it!

Here's the summary from Rotten Tomatoes, "Set 1965 Los Angeles, Mr. Church begins with a stranger arriving on the doorstep of 10-year-old CHARLOTTE "CHARLIE" BRODY and her single mother MARIE BRODY (40), who is battling breast cancer. They soon learn that the quiet man, HENRY CHURCH (40), has been hired by Marie's recently deceased former lover to cook for them and help maintain the household. As Mr. Church's time with the Brodys extends from months into years, he becomes a father figure for Charlie during her formative years, nurturing her love of literature and making a lasting impact on her life. Even as Mr. Church tries to keep his own life separate from the Brodys, he eventually learns that the connection he feels to Charlie is what family is all about."  Eddie Murphy delivered a magnificent performance!  Have you seen it?  What did you think?

Saturday we were still in the movie watching mode so we headed to see Hidden Figures in the morning.  Great film!  Highly recommend you see this one if you haven't already.  Great story and the three leading ladies were wonderful.  Kevin Costner also brought it.

That evening I had girls night with my friends Tracy, Sherri and Carol.  For years, we have celebrated Christmas in January.  Best decision ever!  We can truly have a relaxing evening and share all our stories from our varies Christmases.  Tracy hosted this year and she fixed an amazing chicken dish!  We exchanged gifts, drank wine, laughed and made plans for 2017.  There's just not many things that are better than spending time with true friends.

Sunday after church, I ran my errands as quickly as I could so I wouldn't feel bad plopping myself on the couch to watch The Golden Globes.  They didn't disappoint!  Did you watch?  Here is some of my highlights ~

Favorite Dress on a Pregnant Lady
Natalie Portman nailed it!  The dress didn't cling to her stomach, she didn't have to worry about her boobs falling out and the color is great.

Favorite Couple
Did you see John Legend opening the door to the limo for his lovely wife?  How sweet!  Then the interview with Ryan Seacrest -- Chrissy saying to John to tell Ryan her favorite line from his movie.  They were just adorable!  I think they truly like each other.  

Best Line on the Red Carpet
Milo Ventimiglia saying his tux "moves like smoke".  You apparently don't want your clothes to crinkle like paper, but rather you want it to move like smoke.  Nice analogy.

Best Marketing Idea
Bryon Cranson went into various airport bookstores along his book tour, purchased one of his books and wrote a note inside.  The book was free to the person that opened the book and saw the note.  Kind of makes me want to run out to the airport and go through the books to see if there is one in St. Louis!  

Now, here we are at Monday.  Boy, the weekends sure go by fast!  I have a few things brewing for posts this week.  One is a scrumptious mac and cheese recipe.  It will be coming at you tomorrow and you don't want to miss it!  

Check out what others were up to this weekend.
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Over the Moon

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. That mac and cheese looks delicious... that's one of my favorite comfort foods of all time and my bf and I just found a place that makes a few different variations of it in town. SO good!

    Awww, I love that about Bryan Cranston--how neat! I haven't heard of Mr. Church but always looking for new movies/shows to watch so i'll be on the lookout. And Natalie Portman looked stunning, I actually had no idea she was pregnant (I mean, before last night. Yesterday she was certainly showing. Loved her adorable little bump and gown!).


  2. I love the idea of celebrating Christmas in January. I plan on taking my daughters and son to see Hidden Figures. I am glad to hear that it is a good movie.

  3. I haven't heard of the Eddie Murphy film, but it sounds interesting and I'll check it out - thanks! Hidden Figures is on my "to-watch" list, and I'm so happy to hear a good review about it! The preview looked great :)
    I just saw "Jackie" last night, and I wasn't expected to feel as emotional as I did! I'm not typically a cryer in movies, but the tears were definitely flowing...

  4. Oh my Mac and Cheese! I haven't seen either movie but they are both on my list! Glad you got to squeeze in some girl time in there too! Have a wonderful week!

  5. I am so intrigued by the movie Mr. Church love the actors but the story sounds great as well
    come see what we shared at

  6. I watched the same red carpet telecast! Loved all the moments you mentioned above. I really want to see the movie Mr. Church. It's on Prime Movies right now but I'm always working on my computer so I can't really focus on it. I plan to watch it one weekend coming up. Can't wait!

  7. That mac and cheese looks DELICIOUS!! Natalie Portman always looks so classy :) I love her! Normally, I don't watch the Golden Globes but I had to make an exception for Jimmy Fallon!

  8. I didn't get to watch the Golden Globes but enjoyed seeing the fashions in social media in the days afterwards.
