Friday, May 12, 2017

Five on Friday - May 12, 2017

Wow - where did this week go?!?  I'm not complaining - I'm more than ready for the weekend!  The weather is supposed to be great and it will be so nice to spend some extra time at home.  Due to the rain we had a few weeks ago, Eric and I still haven't got our postage stamp sized garden planted or a single flower in the ground.  Hopefully by the end of this weekend those things will be done.  

Before we get to that, here's my five for this week ~

1.  Happy Mother's Day
Just in case you haven't heard, Sunday is Mother's Day.  Are you ready to honor your mom?  Being a mom is hard work.  I'm thinking we need an entire month to celebrate, not just a single 24 hour period.  Here's wishing all of you a very special day and I hope you spend it doing something that makes you happy.  Too busy to shop for something for your mom?  Think about giving her a Kindle Unlimited subscription.  Thousands of book would be available for her reading pleasure and truly a gift that keeps on giving!

Mother's Day - Second Sunday in May

My friend Linda accidentally left this book at my house and I'm so glad she did!  I picked it up and started reading it.  Now I can't put it down!  I'm turning the pages very carefully so it still looks like new when I return it to her.  Here's what Amazon has to say about it ~ "Monsieur Perdu calls himself a literary apothecary. From his floating bookstore in a barge on the Seine, he prescribes novels for the hardships of life. Using his intuitive feel for the exact book a reader needs, Perdu mends broken hearts and souls. The only person he can't seem to heal through literature is himself; he's still haunted by heartbreak after his great love disappeared. She left him with only a letter, which he has never opened.
After Perdu is finally tempted to read the letter, he hauls anchor and departs on a mission to the south of France, hoping to make peace with his loss and discover the end of the story. Joined by a bestselling but blocked author and a lovelorn Italian chef, Perdu travels along the country’s rivers, dispensing his wisdom and his books, showing that the literary world can take the human soul on a journey to heal itself.
Internationally bestselling and filled with warmth and adventure, The Little Paris Bookshop is a love letter to books, meant for anyone who believes in the power of stories to shape people's lives."
Click HERE to get your copy.

                            Image result for the little paris bookstore

3.  Paris
Reading The Little Paris Bookshop started me daydreaming about how much I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower.  Paris has always been one of those places I wanted to venture to someday.  Well, someday is going to be this summer!  Eric and I booked our vacation to Paris!  I'm so darn excited I can hardly stand it!!  So, if you have any helpful hints or must-see places in or around Paris, please pass them on.  We're enjoying this planning stage and welcome any and all suggestions.  Merci!

Image result for eiffel tower
4.  Snatched
This comedy opens today and is definitely on my list of movies to see.  I'm hoping all the funny parts aren't the ones in the previews!  Here's the description from Rotten Tomatoes, "After her boyfriend dumps her on the eve of their exotic vacation, impetuous dreamer Emily Middleton (Amy Schumer) persuades her ultra-cautious mother, Linda (Goldie Hawn) to travel with her to paradise. Polar opposites, Emily and Linda realize that working through their differences as mother and daughter - in unpredictable, hilarious fashion - is the only way to escape the wildly outrageous jungle adventure they have fallen into. Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn star in the new comedy adventure SNATCHED, which also features Ike Barinholtz ("Neighbors"), Wanda Sykes ("Bad Moms") and Joan Cusack ("Working Girl")."  

Image result for snatched

5.  Parenting tip in honor of Mother's Day

Have a wonderful weekend!  I'm spending the day with Ian and Kayla on Saturday.  We're doing brunch and catching a movie.  And then there's that work we need to do around the house.  See you back next week!

Linking up with:


  1. I really want to see Snatched too! It looks funny. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Did you seriously book Paris only after reading that book or was it planned BEFORE reading said book? It'll be quite a great trip either way! Happy Mother's Day :)

    1. I seriously booked it after I started reading the book! Every time I looked at the cover with the picture of the Eiffel Tower I thought how much I wanted to see it in person. Started looking at packages and found one we could do. Can't wait!

  3. Happy Mother's Day! I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend for mine! I want to see that movie as well.

  4. Awww, my mom was just telling me she wants to watch Snatched with me :) It looks funny! Also I really want to read that book, too. Paris is just an incredible city <3 <3 <3

    Hope you have a very happy Mother's Day!! And your lists always make me smile, Penny :)

  5. I hope you have a great Mother's Day. I might be seeing Snatched tomorrow with my own mom, but we have a few things planned this weekend. I'm excited! :)


  6. The Eiffel Tower is most definitely on my bucket list! Going to see Snatched with my girls this weekend!

  7. Ha! I love that last quote...brilliant! I also believe mothers should get way more than just one day. It is the hardest job ever. Also can't wait to see that movie. Have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Mother's Day to you!

  8. That parenting tip made me laugh a lot - sounds like something my mom would have done, and something I'd do to my future kids for sure.

  9. Enjoy Paris! We were fortunate enough to have gone a few years ago. If you can, take a nighttime river cruise. If you don't mind a bit of the macabre, the catacombs are a must see. Not for the faint of heart tho.

  10. Hey Penny :)
    Happy belated Mother's Day to you. Did you get some gardening in this weekend and get your flowerbed ready to go?

    There is SO much to see and do in Paris. How long are you going for? You'll find yourself itching to go back. I've been three times and it's one of my favorite cities. I'd recommend getting an entry pass when you get to Paris, which will allow you to have access to a bunch of attractions and museums and often, it'll let you jump the line so you don't have to wait and wait. I forget what the pass is called but it's a multi-attraction pass you pay for and it just gives you access to so much, and for such a great price compared to if you were going place to place, paying an entry fee for each. My favorite museum is Musee d'Orsay and I'd also recommend going to see Napoleon's tomb. It's incredible. Oh I could go on and on and on... I'm so excited for you. :)
    Have a great week my friend. Xo
