Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - May 18, 2017

Welcome to this edition of Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  I'm thinking about a whole cornucopia of random things today.  Let me share some things I'm thinking out loud about today ~

Even though the wedding I helped with a few weeks ago is over, it's still heavy on my mind.  It could be because I still have not totally cleaned up all the paper scraps from making the table numbers and name cards, but I think it's because it was just such a beautiful wedding I can't get it out of my mind.  Erica Turner, of Turner Creative Photography, was the one capturing all the memories on film and she dropped another magnificent preview ~

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, wedding and outdoor

Speaking of weddings, I want to make a little public service announcement on behalf of all the brides out there.  PLEASE remember to RSVP to those wedding invitations (or any invitation for that matter) you were honored to get in the mail.  We've all accidentally forgotten to mail our reply back, but we should make every effort to let the bride know if we are intending to go to the wedding OR if we aren't going to be able to make it.  That's right, RSVP even if you can't go.  There are so many last minute details to weddings.  It's unfortunately that many brides are stuck trying to figure out if people are coming or not that haven't made their intentions known.  Be a good person - RSVP!

via Rustic Wedding Chic
One more random thought for today.  This past weekend Eric and I saw the newly released movie Snatched.  Although it's a bit raunchy at times, we both were entertained.  I laughed out loud several times and so did Eric.  This flick is getting sub-par reviews, but I'm still glad it was the movie of our choice this past weekend.  Have you seen it?  What did you think?

Image result for snatched

So what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share your thoughts.  

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:
This is How We Roll
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I'm so glad you said that about that movie. I did read the bad reviews and it was putting me off to go! But entertainment is a good thing!!

  2. I really want to see Snatched, I know it hasn't had great reviews but I love Goldie and Amy so I really do want to see it, I'm glad you liked it! And YES to RSVPs, come on people!

  3. I'm the absolute worst at getting those RSVPs back. I'm getting better. I used to leave the invitation on my coffee table, but I think I need to start putting it on my fridge so I'm reminded daily!

  4. I saw Snatched this past weekend too. I thought it was entertaining overall, and I am glad to have seen it. It's not my most favorite but the cast was pretty great!


  5. So riddle me this - what are your thoughts on emailed wedding invites and emailed bridal shower invites then having to go to a website to RSVP because, and I quote, the bride didn't want to waste money on stamps. Thoughts?

  6. I absolutely agree with the RSVP sentiment. It's not that hard to do and it gives perspective on how much food, etc. to account for.
    I've been wanting to see Snatched. Seems like a good movie for laughs.
