Wednesday, June 21, 2017

2017 Summer Bucket List

Happy first day of summer!  I'm joining a great group of  bloggers today sharing our summer bucket lists.  The days go by so fast, so I need to keep this list front and center to stay focused on getting it accomplished!  For me, if I actual write something down, I'm a whole lot more likely to get it done.  So here I am, not only writing it down but sharing it with you in hopes I will be even more accountable for accomplishing these summer goals!

Make donations to a summer lunch program
Last week I blogged about a summer lunch program we are having at our church.  If you missed it, you can catch it HERE.  We would like to drop off a donation each Sunday we attend church.

Get emails under control
Holy cow -- guess how many messages I have accumulated between my work and personal email accounts - 19,475.  Not kidding.  That's about 19,000 too many!  I'm going to make a true effort to knock that number down significantly.

Read a few good books
Here's a few on my list ~

Camino Island: A Novel by [Grisham, John]
Click HERE to purchase

Into the Water: A Novel by [Hawkins, Paula]
Click HERE to purchase

Lilac Girls: A Novel by [Kelly, Martha Hall]
Click HERE to purchase
Do you have any good books you would like to suggest I add to this list?  

Decorate for 4th of July
Since we've moved into this house (which has been many years now), I've wanted to hang flag banners on the front porch for the 4th of July.  This year I really, REALLY am going to try to make that happen!

Click HERE to purchase
Work on our French
Eric and I are getting pretty excited about our trip to Paris in August!  Ian and Kayla gave me some tapes to learn French for Mother's Day and we have been listening and learning a little each week.  I don't expect to be speaking fluent French by the time we leave, but I am hoping to know how to ask how much that dress is and be able to order a bottle of wine by the time we land in the city of lights.

Drop a few pounds
Wish me luck on this one!  I love food and hate exercise - not a great combo.

Add items to my Etsy page
I've had an Etsy page for quite a while now, but haven't really worked on adding any items.  Hopefully this summer will change that!  One of the items I'd like to add is fabric banners.  They are so fun to make!

Learn more about my new camera
This new DSLR camera owner really needs to spend some time figuring out exactly how her new camera operates.  I've figured out how to aim and shoot, but that's about it.

Get together with my friends in KC
Who doesn't love a girls weekend?!?

Go to an outdoor concert
We have a fantastic venue for watching concerts under the stars.  It's one of my most favorite things to do in the summer.

So that's my top 10 bucket list items for this summer.  What's on your summer bucket list?  Feel free to link up below and share your ideas.  Don't forget to check out the other links too!

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Sounds like a fun and productive summer! I've never had a DSLR, but they do seem a bit intimidating! I have a number of friends who are into photography and sometimes I feel like I can't understand the language they're speaking! :)

  2. Oooh a trip to Paris! My tips for getting to know your SLR - just click away. Same shot on different modes. You'll love it. Have a fabulous summer...with best wishes from Australia.

  3. I have so many things on my bucket list. I really want to try new recipes and explore new(to me) places in my city.

  4. What a great list, Penny. I recently finished a good book -- The House at Riverton. I also loved A Man Called Ove. As for your trip to Paris, have so much fun. My husband and I went five years ago. Before we left, I learned enough French to order meals, buy new shoes, and ask for help when we got lost! Everyone was really nice about the way I butchered their beautiful language.

    Happy Summer!

  5. I love your list Penny!!
    We tried to learn french before we went to Paris also---it was helpful, but now since we haven't used it, it's totally forgotten....ugh!!

  6. Good list! And Paris! Ooooh la la!
    I learned French in high school. Considering that I live in LA, I now wish I'd taken Spanish.

    My outdoor concert goal -- B-52s are playing a free concert in downtown LA in August. Plan to ride the Metro in. I last saw them at the LA County Fair (or was it Orange County? Can't remember. OC, now that I visualize the venues). Concerts under the stars are special.

  7. I love your list! I really want to read Into the Water, I just finished Girl on the Train a couple of months ago. I hope to go to an outdoor concert too, they are just the best!

  8. What a great list! We went to Paris for our 20th anniversary and had a blast! I have "read" on my list too! And drop a few pounds. I love to exercise but I love food more! Haha!

  9. So many fun things!!! You had me at Paris and a girls trip! :)

  10. are going to be busy and productive:)

  11. Thank you for posting the bunting/banner link. I've been wanting to put them up on our house for years, too, but the ones I find are usually not big enough for our porch. Enjoyed reading your summer bucket list!

  12. Great list!! I hope someday I can get the DSLR camera I've been eyeing.

  13. Ooooo new cameras are so much fun. I have never gotten anything bigger than a regular point and shoot - but like a Nikkon that was turbo charged to do BIG things but for people who can't figure out how to do things manually...did that make sense? I need more coffee. I can't wait to see the photos you take iwth your camera!!

  14. Great list, off to figure out your etsy site. I tried learning french once, and it go substantially harder at lesson 10, but it was super fun. We did it while we were driving home, since we have such long commutes. Good luck, at least you know the important questions to ask!

  15. This is a great, and super proactive, list!

  16. Penny is that your front porch with rockers? Beautiful. The 4th is my second favorite holidaybut I have never decorated for it. That needs to change!! Happy Wednesday!

  17. What a GREAT list! Paris is lovely! I know you'll enjoy it, and the locals will appreciate your trying to speak their language! That always goes a long way wherever you travel. Lilac Girls has been on my TBR list for months now. I'm hoping to read several from Modern Mrs. Darcy's Summer Reading Guide. I just finished my first one, The Lost Book of the Grail. It was an interesting read! Losing weight and dealing with emails SHOULD be on my list! LOL! Have a great summer! I look forward to your updates!

  18. Hi Penny! What a great list and I've picked up a few ideas myself. It is exciting looking forward to a trip - Paris sounds wonderful. We are off to Spain and Italy in October which seems forever away. I'm keen to follow up on The Lilac Girls which looks just like something I would enjoy. Happy Summer and Enjoy!
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

  19. I love seeing what other people put on their bucket lists. I make one too! It's fun to have ideas in mind of things you want to do and accomplish. Ah, I'm so jealous you're going to Paris! How fun!


  20. Fabulous list! I will be joining Sarah in visiting your Etsy site. Have a camera over here that I need to figure out and USE! Maybe we can encourage one another.
    I had forgotten that I, too, wanted a patriotic bunting for my front balcony. Glad to have this reminder to get mine ordered.
    And I can also join you in losing a few pounds. Really need to curb my eating and get back to regular exercise.
    Please, please read The Lilac Girls first! So. Good. Better yet, listen to the narrated version via Audible available on Amazon. Very well done!
    Thank you for joining up with us. So glad to have this opportunity to get to know you better.

  21. Looks like a good bucket list! I'm looking to shed some pounds this summer, too. I should try to get my email account under control, too. I have more than 32,000 emails in my inbox! Yikes!

  22. Hi, Penny,

    Yours was the first list I read...i was drawn by the beautiful porch picture with the pretty chairs.

    You have a nice, relaxing summer planned ahead...I should've thought to put a book on mine.

    If you find a good solution for sorting through all those emails please let me know!

  23. Sounds like a fun summer in store for you! Love that you guys are doing the summer lunch program. I've found the easiest way to learn how to use my camera successfully is watching you tube videos for my exact and then run out and apply. Take LOTS of pictures.

  24. Bonjour, Penny!

    Looks like someone has an amazing summer ahead.

    How exciting to be traveling to Paris. I went when I was in high school and it was just a beautiful, amazing city. I wish I remembered more from my five years of French class, sigh!
