Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Weekending - Father's Day 2017

Did everyone have a great Father's Day weekend?  We started celebrating on Friday and carried on into Saturday!

Friday I took a day of vacation so Eric and I could spent the day on an adventure with my parents.  We picked them up in the morning and headed to Arrow Rock, Missouri (population 56).  I had literally passed the exit off highway 70 hundreds of times and had never even glanced over in Arrow Rock's direction.  I never knew what I'd been missing - what a quaint little town!  From their website, "The entire village of Arrow Rock has been designated a National Historic Landmark recognizing its association with Westward Expansion, the Santa Fe Trail and artist George Caleb Bingham."

We spent a couple hours meandering in and out of the shops along Main Street, then did a driving tour of the state park.

For our next stop, we headed to Les Bourgeois Winery in Rocheport, MO.  This winery sits just off Interstate 70 midway between St. Louis and Kansas City.

Tours are typically given on the weekends, but I had called ahead to schedule one for us.  It was fun seeing exactly how the grapes turned into wine and was then bottled.  Well worth the $5 tour fee.

My friend Linda happened to be driving back to Kansas City from a speaking engagement so she was able to pull off the highway and join us for the afternoon.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting, drink, sunglasses, table and outdoor

When the tour was complete, we headed to the tasting room for samples.  We chose two of our favorites and ventured to the A-Frame.  There we enjoyed a picnic I had packed for us and the views of the Missouri River.  What a great way to spend the afternoon!

We said our goodbyes to Linda and headed East to get to our next stop which was a balloon glow in Fulton, Missouri.  Eight balloons were unloaded and assembled as we looked on.

As the sun went down, the balloons began to glow and light up the evening.  The weather could not have been better!  It was truly a wonderful way to celebrate Father's Day with my dad.

Saturday we met up with Kayla and Ian to celebrate Father's Day for Eric.  We had decided to do a movie and dinner.  Wonder Woman was showing in 3D at the perfect time so that's the movie we watched.  Thumbs up from all of us.  The message at the end is perfect!

We ate dinner at Porter's Steakhouse.  Porter's is known for their pepperloin steaks and we hadn't had them in years.
Image result for porter's steakhouse in collinsville illinois pepperlion
Sunday after church Eric had to get to work and I had some things to get done around the house.  I did, however, make time to finish reading The Dry.  Guys, I could not put it down!  So today I'm operating on very little sleep, but staying up to finish the book was so worth it!  If you are looking for a great summer read, check it out HERE.

The Dry: A Novel by [Harper, Jane]

I'll be sharing a recipe later this week that you won't want to miss - Garlic Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower!  Hope to see you soon!


  1. Looks like a fun trip - I have visited a couple of wineries in Missouri and have really enjoyed them, some of the best wine I've ever had in fact!

  2. Looks like you had a good time! I love exploring those cute little midwest towns like that!

  3. What a fun weekend! Who doesn't love wineries :)

  4. Oh my goodness, that town is so quaint looking! I just love the feel of the midwest - I've never lost my Ohio roots!

  5. That sounds like a really great weekend. The town looks so fun!

  6. What a fun weekend! I can't wait to see WW, I think we're going in a couple of week for a day date...so fun!

  7. It sounds like you had a really fun weekend! Wonder Woman is such a great movie! The hot air balloons looks so cool.

  8. I love everything about this post! I am so into little historical towns. It looks like you had so much fun.
