Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - June 15, 2017

Hello!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday.  Hope you link up below and share what's on your minds today.  I'm thinking about summer and a serious side that shouldn't get overlooked.

When my son, Ian, was little, we would eagerly anticipate summer.  The countdown to school being out would begin mid-April and our conversations would be geared towards things like baseball games, going to the pool, visiting our local amusement park.  The refrigerator would get stocked with popsicles, ice cream and enough snacks to share with the neighbor kids when they were over playing.  Never did I have to think about how I was going to feed my son during the summer.

What I'm thinking out loud about today is the fact that while the majority of us are happily going about our good old summertime, there are millions (yes, MILLIONS) of children in the United States going hungry because when they are not getting free lunches at school and there is no food for them at home.  During the school year, 22 million children participate in free or reduced-priced meals through the National School Lunch Program.  That's a lot of kids who aren't getting fed lunch during the summer!

This has been weighing on my mind the last few weeks mainly because our church is sponsoring a sack lunch program to help fill this gap.  Enjoy Church is partnering with other neighborhood churches to donate lunches to kids in need in the St. Louis Metro East area.

It's so easy to help!  You can pick up your donation on your normal trip to the grocery store.  The items needed are ~
Zipper bags
Brown paper lunch bags
Lunch meats
Wrapped cheese slices
Sandwich bread
Fresh fruit
Fruit cups
Granola bars

I'm sure there are many programs like this in all our neighborhoods.  If you are close to where I live and you would like to donate items, please feel free to drop them off at Enjoy Church, 251 Regency Park, O'Fallon, IL.  If you are interested in volunteering, contact 618-465-5433.  

If you are miles away, check local churches in your area to see if they are sponsoring a program like this or check out Feeding America.  They sponsor several interventions programs such as Kids Cafe, BackPack programs and School Pantry programs.  You can find a summer meal program near you by clicking HERE.   Let's all chip in and help feed the hungry kids this summer!

So what's on your mind today?  Link up and share!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:
This is How We Roll
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. You're so right, Penny. We often don't think of these things are important initiatives and good lord, no child should go hungry. Thank you for the kind reminder.

  2. This is so true. I never really thought about that. I'm going to look up programs around me. Thanks for this!

  3. Our church does this too and it feels so good to give back.

  4. We have a program like that in our neighborhood, too! My mom is a teacher and I never really thought about the no lunch thing until she brought it up a few years ago. It's so sad, especially with how wasteful most Americans are.

  5. We have a local program that does this as well. I'd like to donate with my daughter this summer. It's important for me to teach her to give back!

  6. I love these programs. When I was younger, my mom would sometimes bring us to a school where they would serve us free lunches! It's such a great service.


  7. The libraries and schools are doing something like this too. Its awesome!

  8. What a wonderful post. So true when I was growing up I was one of those kids. I remember the community programs that I went to back in the day. Thankful that my kids never had to experience that. One of the reasons that I always try to support these programs.

  9. This makes my heart so happy. No kid should ever have to know what it feels like to be hungry. <3
