Monday, June 12, 2017

Weekending - June 9, 2017

Hey there!  It's been forever since I've done a weekending post, but here I am.  It was such a great weekend, I can't just let it go undocumented.

Friday was an exciting day because we got our presale tickets for U2!!  When we were in Kansas City for Memorial Day, the topic of conversation turned to concerts we wanted to see.  My friend, Linda, said hands down her number one group would be U2.  Just like magic, a few days later they added St. Louis to their tour stops. So we have to go!!  Get ready Bono - we're coming to see you!

Image result for u2 joshua tree tour 2017

Friday night we celebrated a work friend's promotion at a fun happy hour at the cutest little wine bar in Ferguson - Uncorked.  I had never been there before.  Why I don't know because they had a great wine selection and tasty bites.   I'm ready to go back again.  (Blogger fail - I didn't take a single picture.)

Ian and Kayla had already purchased tickets to see Pirates of the Caribbean, but were unable to go so we went instead.  It was a little "piratey" for me.  Johnny Depp definitely has that role mastered!

Image result for pirates of the caribbean dead men tell no tales movie

Saturday we decided to continue checking stuff off our to-do list.  This weekend we actually started getting some of the half done stuff from last weekend completed.  Jeez, the list just goes on and on!!  There was an air show at Scott Air Force base and our house was in the flight pattern.  Made for some very interesting sights and sounds overhead!

We did get the new rockers put together for the front porch.  Our old fake wicker rockers were literally falling apart so we switched to these wood rockers instead.  I thought I would miss the wicker, but I'm kind of falling in love with these. 

Eric did a fabulous job on repainting the patio furniture.  Check out the before and after!  The paint we used is going to be in my five favorite things on Friday this week.

In the evening, Sherri, Carol and I got together with our friend Tracy to celebrate her birthday.  The weather was perfect for sitting outside so we decided to head to a wine bar near the Missouri Botanical Gardens - Sasha's Wine Bar.  We were lucky enough to get a table outside with just a short wait and enjoyed catching up over a bottle (or two) of wine.

Image result for sasha's on shaw st louis

Thank goodness our church (Enjoy Church) streams our Sunday services because I wanted to work around the house a bit in the morning so I was able to soak in the message in the comfort of my own home.  Gathering at the church is my preferred method of worship, but when in a bind listening on my computer is the next best thing.  I needed to wrap my head around ideas for a baby shower I'm helping with later this month and we were meeting later in the day to discuss our plans.

Before running upstairs to shower, I whipped up an orange bundt cake and let it bake while I got ready.  Oh my goodness -- it's delicious!  The recipe will be coming your way tomorrow.

By evening I was ready to take a break on the couch and was able to get a few episodes of the new season of Orange is the New Black under my belt.  My bet is I'll have this season polished off by the end of the week.  Sad but true.

How was your weekend?  Summer weekends are so wonderful.  I'm already counting the days until our next one!  Don't forget to pop in tomorrow for the orange bundt cake recipe!

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I love those wicker chairs. I always wanted a front porch like that.

  2. Looks like a fun and exciting weekend! I can't believe you just "whipped up" that cake! I wish I had your skills!

  3. Those rockers are absolutely darling and I adore that punch of red! It really suits them. I could picture myself sitting there with my books!
    And you're going to see Bono! OOOOOOOOOOOh I am jealous! That will be such an amazing concert. I wouldn't even know what to do with myself. Really.

  4. Sounds like you had a great weekend! When my brother in law was in the Air Force, I always used to go on base for the air shows. They are so neat to watch. And that bundt cake looks amazing!

  5. Sounds like your weekend was wonderful! I've always wanted a front porch with rocking chairs -- they remind me of my grandparents, who always had them on their back screened in patio in the mountains of North Carolina.

  6. The rockers look awesome! That cake tho... wow. :)
