Friday, July 28, 2017

Five on Friday - July 28, 2017

Yay for Friday!  Who else is ready for a weekend?  This week has flown by and since I was out of town last weekend, my to-do list for the next few days is all kinds of full.  But I'm still pretty excited to have a few days off work to get stuff done.

Want to see my five for this week?  Here you go ~

1.  Eclipse Glasses
On the off chance you haven't heard, the total eclipse is coming August 21.  You don't want to miss seeing this event.  Do you have your glasses ready?  There are tons of fake glasses out there, so make sure you pick up proper ones.  Look for glasses that are ISO 12312-2 certified.  I have mine - do you have yours?  If you want these, please click HERE.

2.  Total Eclipse Chart
Speaking of the total eclipse, wondering when the peak is going to be in your area?  Check out THIS WEBSITE, add your zip code and BAM! you will know exactly when to be ready for this monumental event.

3.  Ozark
Eric and I have been watching the new Netflix series Ozark.  We are hooked!  Hooked like staying up late every night this week to watch an episode.  Are you watching it too?  It reminds me a lot of Breaking Bad.  Jason Bateman stars and directs this newbie and I can see some awards in his future.

Image result for ozark netflix poster

4.  Smoky Bacon Cheddar Cheese
Look what Kraft has - smoky bacon cheddar cheese!  I'm on the lookout for this the next trip to the grocery store.  I'm imagining a big slice of this on cheeseburgers.  Yum!  Or using it to make grilled cheese.  The shredded version would be great on salads.  The possibilities are endless!
5.  Do you feel this way sometimes?
Have a wonderful weekend!  The weather in our area is sounding fantastic and I'm hoping to be able to spend a little time outside.  We're doing a Harry Potter trivia thing on Saturday night with Kayla and Ian, which should be interesting because I've not even seen all the Harry Potter movies.  Thank goodness Kayla is a true Harry Potter fan so she can carry our table!  I'll fill you in on that adventure next week.

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday
Oh My Heartsie Girl
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I definitely want to check out Ozark. The previews looked great! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. You are the second person to mention Ozark so I definitely need to check this out! Especially hearing it's like Breaking Bad. And I will need to look for that Smoked Bacon cheese because it sounds amazing.

  3. OOh Harry Potter trivia sounds fun! I can't wait to hear how it all goes.

    That FB quote is SO true!!


  4. I can't wait to start Ozark. I hear so many great things!! That quote (#5) made me snort. haha. The eclipse will e so fun. We are going to get a bunch of the glasses to watch it with my kids at school. It'll be cool.

  5. I am so excited for the eclipse. I have to order my eclipse glasses. I hope you have a great weekend.

  6. I've never watched the Ozarks, but I'm currently obsessed with several other shows on Netflix, and just like you I'm staying up too late to watch more episodes. Happy Friday!

  7. I've only seen part of the first Harry Potter movie, so I would be no help. I keep reading about Ozark, so I've got to check it out. Hope you get to enjoy the weather this weekend!

  8. Ozark is AMAZING, isn't it? We finished it this past weekend and now I'm a bit sad it's over. I love Jason Bateman and Laura Linney is pretty great in it as well.
    I didn't know there was an eclipse but I certainly do now. Thanks for the heads up, Penny. Have a great week my dear. xo

  9. My diet could have done without knowing about the bacon cheddar cheese! When you mentioned grilled cheese, I kind of started to drool!
    Thanks for the link to the eclipse glasses!
