Monday, July 31, 2017

Weekending - July 28, 2017

The last weekend in July could not have had better weather in the St. Louis area and I spent as much time as possible outside enjoying it.

Friday night Eric and I decided to catch a movie.  We both had Dunkirk on our list of movies we wanted to see so that's the one we chose.  I really wanted to like it, but it just fell short for both of us.  Did you see it?  What were your thoughts?  I'd like to hear from someone who loved it to see if there was something I missed.  For me the movie was just all over the place and I didn't develop an emotional tie with any of the characters.

Image result for dunkirk movie

We grabbed a bite to eat at Peel afterward.  That place never disappoints!  Their wood burning ovens turn out a tasty pie every single time.

On Saturday morning, I was going to sit outside for a bit and read.  A bit turned into all morning and part of the afternoon.  Eric joined me on our back patio and we discussed vacation tour options and soaked up the gorgeous weather.  I also made a huge dent in the book I was currently reading - A Paris Apartment.  This novel was thoroughly entertaining and I would highly recommend it.

By mid afternoon, we had to quickly get ready for the evening.  We were playing Harry Potter trivia at Global Brew with Kayla, Ian, Kayla's sister and her husband.  Eric and I were the worst couple of players there and contributed absolutely zero correct answers.  Kayla was pretty much on her own - and did amazing for not having a lot of backup to help.  I can attest to the fact that the butterbeer cocktail was good.

My contribution to the evening were the flatbreads I brought.   I'll be sharing the recipe for the Maple Bacon and Onion one tomorrow.

Eric and I were both excited for Sunday to get here.  We were going out on our friend's sailboat.  Neither of us had sailed before and were anxious to give it a try.

Eric was officially the captain for a bit.  The lake was beautiful and the wind perfect for a couple novice sailors.

We scooted on home at noon so Eric could go to work.  I enjoyed the rest of the afternoon by finishing A Paris Apartment.  It was truly one of those books you hated to see end and left me imaging what was happening in the characters lives.

As it so often does, Monday came way too fast and I'm already counting the days to our next weekend.


  1. What a fantastic weekend. That flat bread looks amazing.

  2. We went to a Harry Potter event on Saturday too! How fun!
    The Beth Next Door

  3. What a fun weekend you had!! Lol you are hilarious...not sure I would have contributed much either to trivia night since I'm probably one of three people who hasn't read Harry Potter (I know!). Reading outside and sailing...what could be better than that!

  4. It looks like you had a great weekend. Hopefully I can make some time to watch Dunkirk. I love films about war. My favorite movie is Saving Private Ryan.

  5. I did a lot of sitting outside and reading this past weekend - it was nice Saturday! I'm curious about Dunkirk, but I hear there isn't much dialogue which might be the reason it was difficult to connect to the characters.


  6. OMG I am a huge Harry Potter fan and that beer is right up my alley! My sister in law is a much bigger fan. She actually wants to convert her living room into a Harry Potter theme! It looks like you had a wonderful weekend overall and that!!
