Friday, August 25, 2017

Five on Friday - August 25, 2017

Happy Friday!  This week has flown by for me.  How about for you?  We had the excitement of the eclipse on Monday.  On Tuesday Eric and I watched our friends' son play in a Frontier League baseball game.  Then on Wednesday I met a friend I hadn't seen in 8 years for dinner while she was in St. Louis on business.  Whew - it's been a fun, but fast week!

I barely had time to get my five together for this week, but here they are ~

1.  National Kiss and Make Up Day
Do you have someone in your life that you haven't spoken to and it's been so long you don't even remember why?  Well, today is your day to put that behind you.  It's National Kiss and Make Up Day!!  End the quarrels, the arguments, the fights and make up!

2.  Cookies and Screeem M&M's
You might want to add a trip to Target to your to-do list this weekend so you can pick up a bag of these M&M's Cookies & Screeem treats.  We now have Oreo flavored M&M's!!  These little babies have white chocolate centers and dark chocolate coatings all covered in a black and white speckled shell.  Sounds pretty darn tasty to me!

3.  All Saints
John Corbett is hitting the big screen today in All Saints.  Here's the summary from Movie Guide:

ALL SAINTS is a powerful story that’s very heartrending and entertaining. Pastor Michael is on fire for God. When a group of Burmese Karen Anglican refugees show up at his church, his heart goes out to them. Praying about how to feed and take care of them, Michael hears from God that they should turn the beautiful land around the church into a farm. After alienating the big box store trying to buy the land, he convinces the church council to give him until January to make a go of the farm and the church. That is easier said than done.

ALL SAINTS is extremely well-directed and acted. It’s not a big action adventure, but the jeopardy is intense and the dialogue is real. The strong Christian faith in the movie, which leads to signs and wonders, is to be applauded. Although it has a few ambivalent comments, they are very few. The story is uplifting. ALL SAINTS is a must-see movie for people who want stories with faith and values and people who need stories with faith and values.

Sounds like this would be an excellent pick for a family movie night!  It's definitely on my list to see.

4.  Whisk Wiper
It's no secret I have a soft spot for gadgets, but this one looks super cool.  The Whisk Wiper scraps not only your whisk, but the bowl too!  No more batter all over the counter tops.  Click HERE to check it out.  This one comes with a whisk for a perfect fit.

5.  True statement...

No automatic alt text available.

Now let's get through Friday and start the weekend!!  Eric and I are joining some friends for the Midwest Salute to the Arts tonight in Fairview Heights, IL.  If you are looking for a fun outdoor activity this weekend, head to Everett Moody Park in Fairview Heights!  A hundred artists will be gathered to display (and sell) their creations all weekend long.  There is also a great entertainment line up.  Visit their website (HERE) for a full list of activities.  It's fun for the whole family!  

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday
Oh My Heartsie Girl
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. LOVE that liar's quote!! I LOVE M&M's and have not seen those, how cute are they!!! Hope this weekend makes you smile!!

  2. Those M&M'S sound so good :)
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that whisk thing. LOL, maybe I haven't had enough coffee this morning to understand how exactly it works. Also, HI I'm a total bonehead.

    John Corbett <3 <3 <3 I haven't heard about this movie... looks interesting!

    Mmmm... M&Ms -- new flavor sounds delicious!

    Have a great weekend :)

  4. That movie sounds like a winner. There aren't many good movies for the whole family anymore.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I hadn't heard of that movie, thank you for sharing it with us. Seems like it has been a slow summer on the big screen. Always glad for good recommendations.

    The M&Ms look dangerous to my Weight Watchers dieting. Oh, but so good.

    Love the liar, liar saying. Imagine if that really happened? We would all be ablaze!

  6. Hey Penny,

    Did you have a nice weekend celebrating the arts? Sounds like your week last week was packed, so I hope you were able to get some downtime sometime over the weekend.
    Those m&ms look yummy, that movie looks inspiring (and positive!) and lastly, wouldn't it be MARVELOUS if liars pants actually caught on fire?! LOL.

    Have a great week, Penny. :)
