Monday, August 28, 2017

Weekending - August 25, 2017

Wow - what a great weekend.  First I must say, while we were having a fantastic weather weekend in the St. Louis area, the people in the Houston area were heavy on my mind.  Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as the clean up begins and life tries to get back to normal.

Our big news of the weekend was Ian and Kayla adopted a new kitten!!  His name is Albus and he is as cute as can be!  I visited on Saturday while Eric was at work and then we visited again on Sunday so Eric could meet the little guy.

He's so playful and fun!  And I believe he's pretty darn photogenic too.

Backing up to the beginning of the weekend, Friday night was beautiful and we hit up an art fair in Fairview Heights with my friends Tracy and Sherri.  As the sun set, we meandered through the artists tents to check out the creations.

Saturday morning Eric and I had a bit of time before he had to head off to work so we spent it seeing a movie.  We picked All Saints starring John Corbett as pastor Michael Spurlock.  Michael was sent to a small church to shut it down, but the arrival of a group of refugees shake things up a bit.  This inspiring true store is definitely worth a watch.  Don't forget to bring tissues.  Lots of tissues.  If you have an ounce of humanity in you, you will be touched by this film.

Eric headed to work and I headed over to meet my new grandkitten.  I couldn't resist making a goody bag for the new addition to our family.

I bolted out of church on Sunday and rushed to book club.  My book club is a club that really doesn't talk about books.  We get together once a month and talk about everything under the sun and occasionally we get around to talking about what people have been reading.  So I like to refer to this group as my non-book book club.  Regardless, I love getting together with this group of gals and try not to miss our monthly gatherings.

When Eric got off work, we headed over to Ian and Kayla's so Eric could meet Albus.  I would say the meeting went quite well!

We left their house and ran around doing some errands.  Just in case you missed the news, Beauty Brands is having their annual Lash Bash.  My favorite is Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes 4-in-1 mascara and it normally sells for $23.  So excited to pick up a few at $10.99!

Lash Bash

Sunday night we cleared the DVR of shows we needed to catch up on and got ready to start the work week.  It's hard to believe that this is the week before Labor Day.  Summer has flown by!  As much as I love Fall, I'm still a little sad when Summer comes to an end.

Hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy the last few days of August!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. Awwww sounds like a great weekend (and what an adorable and very photographic kitten!). OMG, I die that you made a little goody bag to welcome your grandkitten into the family. That is the cutest :)

    TX is so heavy on my mind, too--I can't believe the amount of rain :( Hopefully things return to some semblance of normalcy for the people there soon.

    Sending much love and hope you have a great week! XO

  2. Albus is the CUTEST cat! I love his sweet little face!! Congrats to the new furry member of the family!
    I've been thinking of TX too. So heartbreaking.
    The Beth Next Door

  3. That kitty tie is Adorable! Love the name they picked too. The non book book club, now that sounds like the perfect book club for me! LOL . Have a great week!

  4. Omg, Albus is so cute - and I love his name. ;)


  5. Aww Albus is so cute! I love the bow tie!

  6. I love your kitten and the bow tie is so cute! Thanks for sharing your weekend with us at #overthemoon link party. Have a lovely day.

  7. Aww, Albus is absolutely adorable. I've heard great things about All Saints. I plan on watching it sometime soon.
