Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - August 3, 2017

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Can you believe it's August already?!?  I'm not quite ready to let summer go yet and embrace fall.

There is one thing about this time of year that gets me a little jazzed - it's buying school supplies.  When Ian was little, it was so fun to hit the store with his list of needed necessities.  After he picked out what color folders he wanted and we had examined every box of Crayons, we would head home to spread it all out to be labeled.  (Yes, I was THAT mom that made special labels for his supplies.)  It really set a positive tone to start the school year off on the right foot.

It's easy to forget that not all kids show up on the first day of school with shiny new notebooks and neatly sharpened pencils.  In the St. Louis area alone, more than 90,000 students cannot afford basic school supplies.  That's what I'm thinking out loud about today!

We are lucky to have an organization called KidSmart that helps provide school supplies to students in need.

Kidsmart Logo

"Since opening in 2002, KidSmart has distributed more than $27 million in school supplies to more than 102,100 economically disadvantaged children in the area. There are still more than 90,000 students in desperate need of KidSmart services. KidSmart is proud of its financial stewardship. 92% of all product and monetary donations go directly toward our free store program. With your help today we can paint a bright tomorrow for thousands of area kids in need."

If you would like to make a donation to this fabulous organization, please click HERE.  

I'm sure there are many programs like this around the country.  If we all chip in just a little, the rewards to our future generations will be huge.  If you're out shopping for your kid's supplies, why not pick up a few extra items and deliver them to the teachers at your school.  That would be a great way to make a good first impression!

So what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up below and share your thoughts.


  1. Good Morning! I just stumbled upon you via a link up party. So, I added you to my Thursday Blog Party Directory:

    Have a GREAT weekend...

  2. What a great program---because the start of every new school year, is so important!!

  3. This is such a wonderful program, there are so many kids in need!
    The Beth Next Door

  4. That's a great program! I've heard of a few similar programs in my state. I'm really glad to see that there are other states that are making programs like this.

  5. Awesome program. Last year at Jake's old school the list was very short for supplies because it was a lower income school and the parents couldn't afford a lot. This year he is in his new school and the list is NUTS!!
    Markers (Crayola)
    Colored pencils (Crayola)
    White board eraser or clean sock
    #2 Pencils (24 pack,Ticonderoga-sharpened)
    Kleenex (2 boxes)
    4 dry erase markers (not fluorescent)
    4 two pocket folders
    2 composition notebooks (9.75 x 7.5)
    2 spiral-bound notebooks
    Red marking pen
    Pencil box (approximately 5X8 inches)
    Bottle of Glue
    4 glue sticks
    Bike Helmet or Bandana (Phy.Ed.)
    Ziploc Bags (Last NameA-F Snack Size,
    G-L Quart Size,M-R Gallon Size
    Disinfectant wipes (Last Name S-Z)

    1. Wow, that is crazy. Legally, it can't happen in California due to AB1575-see below.

  6. Amen on that. As an educator, I always buy a bunch of supplies from Dollar Tree and also I kind of load up on pencils, pens and other stuff at all the local festivals and fairs I go to during the year.

    In California, we have a law (AB 1575),with few exceptions, prohibits schools from charging fees for classroom items and activities and from requiring students to bring materials needed for school. It covers everything from 25-cent pencils and $5 binders to $350 field trips and $500 football uniforms. It resulted from the settlement of a lawsuit against the state, the law reinforces what the California Constitution has guaranteed for nearly 140 years: a free public education. Basically, it started when a school district in Southern California starting charging for regular school books during the recession, the ACLU sued and the AB1575 was the result. So, technical sense we can't make anybody bring anything and the school, not even a pencil, and the school has to supply it.

    Thanks for hosting.

  7. This is a great program! I always loved getting school supplies too. :)


  8. I love shopping for school supplies! KidSmart sounds wonderful :)
