Friday, January 5, 2018

Five on Friday - January 5, 2018

Happy Friday! Wowza - I'm so grateful this was a short work week!  Getting back into the groove was a real challenge.  But so far 2018 is off to a wonderful start and I'm excited to share my five with you today.  So here goes ~

1.  National Whip Cream Day
Not only is today a special day because it's my friend Linda's birthday, it is also National Whipped Cream Day.  That's right - top off that dessert with some creamy white delight in celebration today.  If you want to go the extra mile and make homemade whipped cream, it's really pretty simple.  All you need is 1 cup of heavy cream, 1 tablespoon of powered sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.  Put the heavy cream in a bowl and whip it until stiff peaks are about to form.  Then add in your vanilla and sugar and beat until those peaks are stiff.  Heck, no need to waste calories on the dessert - just eat the whipped cream straight out of the bowl!

2.  Molly's Game
Molly's Game is based on the true story of Molly Bloom, an Olympic-class skier who ran the world's most exclusive high-stakes poker game for a decade before being arrested in the middle of the night by 17 FBI agents wielding automatic weapons. Her players included Hollywood royalty, sports stars, business titans and finally, unbeknownst to her, the Russian mob. Her only ally was her criminal defense lawyer Charlie Jaffey, who learned that there was much more to Molly than the tabloids led us to believe.  Definitely on my list of movies I want to see.

3.  The Bucket List:  1000 Adventures Big & Small
Have you evaluated your bucket list recently?  Before you do, you might want to check out this book of 1000 adventures big and small.  Even if some of them aren't your cup of tea, it would still be fun just to know these things exist!  Here's how Amazon summarizes:
We all have things we’d like to do—one day—but work, family, school, money, and responsibilities get in the way. This invaluable guide to fun, fantastic, and life-affirming activities features an eclectic range of ideas such as self-improvement, sports-related endeavors, natural wonders, cultural experiences, culinary delights, and more. From glassblowing in the Czech Republic to swimming with dolphins in New Zealand, The Bucket List is the perfect gift for the passionate traveler—an around-the-world, continent-by-continent listing of beaches, museums, monuments, islands, inns, restaurants, mountains, and more.
Each activity is location-specific and as geographically unique as bird-watching in Kenya or driving through clouds in Sri Lanka, as well as other to-dos that can be done anywhere, such as sketching a sunset behind an architectural monument. In addition to classic outdoor pursuits, the book contains advice on how to achieve some of the most popular goals for people of all ages: direct a movie, learn to play an instrument, make pottery, protect an endangered species, name a star, try a new cuisine, or learn a new language. Whether you are more active or laid-back, serious-minded or lighthearted, you are bound to discover new, stimulating activities.
Click HERE to check it out.

4.  Golden Globes - Sunday, January 7
The award season is upon us!  Sunday will mark the kick off of the 2018 season with the 75th Golden Globe Awards.  Seth Meyers will host and actors and actresses are planning to wear black to protest sexual harassment in the entertainment industry.  Although I feel I'm behind on seeing some of the movies, I'm still a bit excited to see who wins what.  Are you an awards show watcher?

5.  Confession....
The best thing about
winter is that your
winter coat hides the
fact that you're not
wearing a bra to Target.

Hope you have a great weekend and are able to stay warm!  I have girls night tonight and on Sunday we're meeting friends for lunch.  I might even start taking down my Christmas decorations.  Do you still have yours up??  Hope I'm not the last person to put theirs away!  See you back here next week!

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. Laughing so hard at the winter coat one because it is SO true. And I love making homemade whipped cream! I even have some heavy whipping cream at home right now so maybe I'll have a little treat tonight! Have a great weekend Penny!
    Coffee Until Cocktails

  2. MMMM Whipped cream! Molly's Game sounds really good. I can't believe the Golden Globes are THIS Sunday! I don't even know who's nominated this year!

  3. I'm so excited about the Golden Globes! I love watching the Live from the Red Carpet beforehand, too!

  4. I'm really excited about The Golden Globes. I haven't seen most of the movies yet, but they are still enjoyable. I hope you have a great weekend. :)


  5. I'll be honest. I haven't worn a bra in weeks. Thanks, winter! LOL.

    I'm not much of a movie person BUT I, Tonya and that movie you mentioned above both sound very interesting. Maybe it's the Olympics theme :)

    One of my favorite childhood memories involved making homemade whipped cream with my grandmother. SO delicious! Thanks for the reminder--I'll have to celebrate Whipped Cream Day!


  6. Who knew whipped cream had a day? Thanks for the reminder about the award shows. I always want to watch but forget about them and miss them. :)

  7. Wait, what?? National Whipped Cream Day? I am so down for that (I love whipped cream.... when I was younger, I would eat apple pie and cover it completely with whipped cream, ... like my Dad! Haha! I got it from him!)

  8. Christmas was put away awhile ago at our house!

  9. I read that Bucket List and was amazed at all the wonderful ideas. I really liked that some of them were small and easier to do too. That movie sounds amazing; I had never heard of her story.

  10. Ha ha! Love that quote. Totally describes me running the kids to the bus stop! I just saw an interview with Jessica Chastain, and that movie sounds awesome. Have a great weekend.

  11. Happy National Whip Cream Day! Molly's Game sounds really interesting, too.

  12. Oh my gosh! I cannot wait to see Molly's Game. Also, I can't wait for the Golden Globes. That meme made me laugh out loud.

  13. LOL! The no-bra meme is so on point it's great. HAHAHA! And layers, thank you layers. I was actually told by my husband on the weekend I should wear one it was so darn cold out, he was worried about chapping. Not even kidding you, lol, it was so cold out. Now it's mild out, this weather is literally up, down, all over the place.

    I hope you're having a great week Penny. :)

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