Monday, January 8, 2018

January's TBB Asks - Monday, January 8

Today I'm joining a great group of bloggers over at The Blended Blog to answer the January TBB Asks questions.  It's such a fun way to get to know other bloggers!  I also find that while reflecting on my answers, I learn a little bit about myself at the same time.  So let's get started ~

1.  Resolutions or No Resolutions?
I'm definitely a resolutions girl.  Each new year I have a long list of things I want to focus on.  Some of them actually make it through to December!  

2.  Love snow or no snow?
I have a love / hate relationship with snow.  I absolutely HATE having to drive to and from work in the snow.  Snow can turn my normal 40 minute commute into hours.  But if it's a weekend that I can sit in my cozy house and look out the window at huge flakes floating to the ground I'm all about it.

3.  Name a New Place you want to go this year.
Italy.  Definitely Italy!  Eric and I are saving our change and hopefully will be able to book a trip there this summer.  

4.  Would you rather have a new hair cut or hair color?
Man, I would love a new hair cut.  But I have to be honest, it seems no matter how my stylist cuts my hair I always gravitate back to the same way of fixing it.  

5.  Name one special thing you want to do for yourself this year.
I really want to start eating more healthy.  Each week I stock our refrigerator with fruits and vegetables, and each week I throw most of it away.  Bad on so many levels!  This year I'm going to put more effort into actually using the good food I buy instead of tossing it out.

6.  Least favorite thing about January?
The days are so short!  Most of the time I leave for work in the dark and I come home in the dark.  

7.  Most favorite thing about January?
Fresh starts!  The new year is such a great time to start new things.  It's like hitting the reset button.  All things are possible!

8.  When do you take down your Holiday decorations?
Ugh.  This is a task I absolutely hate.  My goal is always to take them down the first weekend in January.  Then I spend the next few days missing them.  

9.  Do you diet in January?
Absolutely.  Me and the other 753485478 people that have resolved to lose weight starting in January.  Hopefully this year will show some results.

10.  What area of your home do you want to organize the most?
My pantry!  One of the main reasons we purchased our current home is because I fell in love with the pantry.  Unfortunately, it falls prey to stuff being dumped in there.  I need to spend some serious time getting it in order.  It's amazing the feeling I have when I step in there after it's all clean and organized.  

11.  Favorite Winter Comfort Food.
There are tons of comfort foods that I love, but one of my favorites is Loaded Potato Soup.  My recipe is HERE.  It's quick and easy to make and really warms you up on cold winter days. 

12.  Favorite Guilty Pleasure?
Hands down - Binge watching a new TV series.  I love setting aside a day and just watching the heck out of a show.  

Thanks TBB for providing the questions and I can't wait to learn more about other bloggers!


  1. I love these Q&A's! It's fun to see everyone's answers. I'm already on a diet plan of sorts, so I'm really just trying to get back into that after the holidays (since I let myself eat "bad" foods more often than I should or normally do...oh well lol). This year, I really just need to up my water and get moving more and then I think losing weight will be a bit easier! I've hit a bit of a rut at the moment. Ooh Italy! I'd love to visit; I hope you can make it.


  2. I'm with you on taking down Christmas decorations. Ugh. Hate it. Have a wonderful week.

  3. This is fun! I have all my Christmas stuff down except for the lights on the house. Had planned on doing that this weekend, but ended up just being lazy! LOL . I find that by cutting fruits and veggies and putting them in containers in the fridge, we eat more of them. I squeeze some lemon or an orange over apple slices and they don't have a chance to go brown before we eat them up! Have a great week!

  4. I love these Q&A posts! I did this one today too! I miss my Christmas decorations too, I've had them down for a week already and it just feels so bare! Italy would be absolutely amazing, I hope you guys are able to get there so I can live vicariously!!
    Coffee Until Cocktails

  5. I am in the process of organizing our pantry. I'm just waiting for the Container Store to send me my organizers...I hope it works out! I really need to organize! And yes to eating more veggies...I need more in my life.

  6. I love Q & A posts. I hate taking down holiday decorations too lol. My husband and the boys took them down this year. I love snow, but I refuse to drive in the snow. Have a great week!

  7. So great to learn some new things about you! The short days in January really get to me too. I just want more sunshine! Italy sounds like a wonderful vacation idea. Best of luck with your healthy eating! I also want to get better about not wasting all the good fruits and veggies in our fridge.

  8. Snow is beautiful, but I hate driving in it. Ugh.

  9. I love reading everyone's answers to these questions and may have to play along, too! I have a love/hate relationship with the snow, too. I'm okay with the pretty fat snowflakes but the cold, rainy snow is a buzzkill. And YES! January really IS a reset button, and it's nice to get a fresh start :)

    Hope you have a great week, Penny! XO

  10. Potato soup is one of my faves. Thanks for sharing your recipe. Hope all that change adds up and Italy is your best vacation ever! Happy New Year, Penny!

  11. Can you drop me off in Paris on your way to Italy? lol

  12. Oh, I can so relate to buying lots of fresh produce only to toss a lot of it away after it's gone bad and gone uneaten. Boo. Going to try to turn that around this year.

    Aren't homemade soups like a warm comforter in the winter? I love to make and eat soup. And my PC is very good about eating soup for dinner. He is so easy to cook for...thank goodness.

    I would love to do Italy, too. We enjoyed Germany so much this past fall. Some day!

  13. Italy is the next place we want to go to. I agree - I'm always so ready to get the decorations down, and then I miss them. Thanks for linking up with TBB today!

  14. I want to organize my pantry as well. I have done it many times but it always ends up a mess. I think I need professional help! :)
