Friday, March 9, 2018

Five on Friday - March 9, 2018

Hooray for Friday!!  Today is a special day around our house because it's our son's birthday.  Twenty-seven years ago Ian blessed our lives and I've been thoroughly enjoying being a mom ever since.  Happy birthday, Ian!

Now - on with my five for this week ~

1.  Spring Forward
Don't forget to set your clocks up one hour on Saturday night.  Officially, daylight saving time begins at 2:00 am Sunday but in our house we are usually fast asleep at that time so we do it before going to bed on Saturday night.  I, for one, am so excited to be getting an extra hour of daylight!  This is also a great time to check those batteries in your smoke alarms.

2.  Kohl's Cares Egg Hunt Bundle
Easter will be here before you know it (Sunday, April 1) so it's time to start thinking about what the Easter Bunny is going to be putting in those baskets.  This little bunny / book combo from Kohl's is just the thing!  100% of the net profit from the sale of this item will be donated to support charitable organizations nationwide.   Guess how much it costs - $5.00.  That's right - $5.00!  Sounds like a win win to me!  Click HERE to get yours before they are gone.
Kohl's Cares® Egg Hunt Bundle
3.  Gringo
We've seen the previews for this movie, which is opening today, and have literally laughed out loud.  Definitely going on our to be watched list.  Here's what Fandango has to say about it, "An exhilarating mix of dark comedy, white-knuckle action and dramatic intrigue, Gringo joyrides into Mexico, where mild-mannered businessman Harold Soyinka (David Oyelowo) finds himself at the mercy of his back-stabbing business colleagues back home, local drug lords and a morally conflicted black-ops mercenary. Crossing the line from law-abiding citizen to wanted criminal, Harold battles to survive his increasingly dangerous situation in ways that raise the question: Is he out of his depth - or two steps ahead?"  Sounds like a great date night movie to me!


For all us Joanna and Chip fans out there, look what's coming - a cookbook!!  This baby will release on April 24, but you can pre-order yours today by clicking HERE.  This could make a wonderful Mother's Day present (hint, hint)!  Magnolia Table includes 125 classic recipes such as chicken pot pie, chocolate chip cookies, asparagus and fontina quiche, lemon pie - just to name a few.  It's also full of personal stories and beautiful photos.  

5.  Pre-Facebook

                         Image may contain: 4 people, text

Have a wonderful weekend!  I'm going to be grading spelling tests tomorrow at the St. Louis Post Dispatch Spelling Bee and then we are celebrating Ian's birthday.  See you back next week!

Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. The pre-Facebook made me LOL. Happy birthday to your son! Just added Magnolia Table to my Amazon wish list! I'm going to the silos for the first time ever next week & I'm super excited!

  2. Happy birthday to your son! I hope that my son and I stay as close as you guys are as he grows up! And That pre-FB picture is hilarious. The movie sounds good too! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Happy birthday to Ian! Keith's bday is tomorrow so lots of celebrations coming up!

  4. Happy Birthday to Ian! Hope you all have a great celebration!
    That pre-FB picture had me laughing out loud. I sometimes think that life pre-FB was alot simpler!

  5. That meme has me rolling. I have pictures from high school with half of the photo missing. Yeah.... LOL Happy Birthday to your son. Gringo looks funny. I think we might finally get around to seeing Black Panther this weekend! Have a good one Penny!

  6. Happy Birthday to Ian - what a cutie. ;) I hope you enjoy Gringo if you see it. I think I might go and see Date Night tomorrow if it all works out.


  7. Omg the pre Facebook lololol!!!

    Aww happy birthday to your son! :) he’s so handsome!

    I love love love Joanna Gaines and didn’t know she’s released a cookbook! Will look for it :)

    Hope you are enjoying the weekend! Xoxo

  8. Happy birthday to your son!
    I love Kohl's Cares, what it stands for, and what they offer for only $5.

  9. I could have done without the time change, but I do appreciate the longer evenings :)

  10. The how you deleted friends meme is awesome, hahahah! Just what I needed to start my day.
    I can feel the pride and joy your son brings you. Such an accomplished young man and seems like a very humble, kind and generous man just like his momma.

    Ugh I’m STILL tired this week and it’s Thursday. Looking forward to sleeping in past 6 am on Saturday, thank you very much. Lol.

    Hope your week has been good Penny. :)
