Sunday, March 11, 2018

Weekending - March 9, 2018

Happy Monday!  Are you ready for a nice long day today?  I am!  I love when we have more light later in the day.

Man, weekends are just the best, aren't they!  We didn't have a ton of plans heading into the weekend and Eric had to work both Saturday and Sunday.  But it was still a great couple of days.

On Saturday I spent the day grading spelling tests for the St. Louis regional spelling bee hosted by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  The winner will ultimately be attending the Scripps Spelling Bee in Washington, DC.

One of the judges always gives us the cutest "bee" gifts.  This year was no different!  Love my new tumbler!

Saturday night we celebrated Ian's birthday.  It's so hard for me to believe that my baby is 27!  He's really grown into an impressive adult and I couldn't be more proud of him!

For dinner, we had one of his favorite dishes - Dijon Sirloin Tips.  You can find the recipe HERE.  We rounded out the night with birthday pie from Eckert's and playing Splendor

Sunday's church service was a great one.  We talked about what kind of legacy you will leave.  Really makes you stop and think.  We have all gotten where we are because of what others have done for us.  When was the last time you said thank you to those people?

When we stepped out of church it was raining and during our 10 minute drive home, it turned to snow.  As we started making lunch, the flakes got bigger and heavier.  Somehow we ended up with a couple inches of snow!  Meanwhile, we have this going on in our front yard ~

Eric scooted off to work and I had the afternoon to putter around the house.  A few weeks ago during girls weekend, we had a discussion about how we really like using pretty things.  It made me stop and think about how true that was.  Using pretty things just makes me feel good.  So I decided to fancy up one of my notebooks.  I'll share the super easy tutorial on how to make this later this week.

Later this week I'll also be sharing our St. Patty's decorations.  Here's a preview ~

Hope you had a great weekend!  The weather is supposed to warm up around here this week and I'm looking forward to warmer days.  With the sunset happening a bit later, we might even get in a couple walks in the evening!  See you soon!


  1. That tumbler is super cute! I love your decor for St. Patrick's Day. It looks great!

  2. Penny I had no idea how kids get to the big Spelling Bee. I just thought schools had spelling bees of their own not something written and needed to be corrected. I think there is a need for a whole blog about the Spelling Bee for those like me who are clueless!

  3. Your decorations are so cute! My daughter did my mantel but it's a bit sparce, so I need to beef it up a bit! Pinning that sirloin tips recipes!

  4. Awww love your tumbler—so cute! This weather has been so wacky; I can’t believe we’re getting another nor’easter tonight... those flowers want to bloom!

    Happy birthday to your son, and sounds like you had a wonderful weekend <3

  5. Adore your March decor. And that notebook! Having something that is cute and so you really does help :) . Have a great week!!

  6. Aw, that bee tumbler is too cute. I can't wait to see how you decorated your notebook. It's adorable. :) Sounds like your son had a great Birthday celebration!


  7. What a great weekend and so wonderful that you were able to celebrate your son's birthday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. Oh that birthday dinner sounds delicious. My birthday was SAturday, so we had a pretty nice dinner (out) too! Happy belated birthday to your son Ian!
