Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Let's Make a Pretty Notebook

This past weekend I found myself at home on a snowy Sunday afternoon and got the bug to make something.  A few week ago when several of my friends were staying over, we had a conversation about how we loved pretty things.  Speaking for myself, it makes me smile on the inside when I'm holding my favorite pretty mug or chopping vegetables with my Pioneer Woman floral knives.  

Why not make more things pretty in your life?  I mean, it is the little things, right?!?  So on Sunday I was sitting at my kitchen table working and glanced down at my Composition Notebook.  Now that thing could definitely be prettier!  I marched right upstairs and did something about it.

This project literally took me less than 15 minutes and I love the outcome!  Now when I glance over and spy my writing tablet, a smile spreads across my face.  Mission accomplished!

Here's What You Need
Composition Notebook
A piece of scrapbook paper
Glue (I used my favorite spray adhesive)

Here's What You Do
Cut a piece of scrapbook paper a little larger than your notebook.

Spray your adhesive on the back of the paper and wait one minute for it to get good and sticky.

Carefully place the paper on the notebook cover.  I started the paper where the binding tape ended.

Place the notebook on a cutting board and, using your hobby knife, cut away the excess paper.

Make sure you press the paper down over the entire surface.  I used little rolling pin.

You could stop right there and call it a day, but I decided to personalize mine by cutting my name out with my Silhouette.  The font I used was October Twilight from DaFont.com.  Love that site for free fonts!

And just like that you have a pretty notebook!  Doesn't it make you smile a little bit when you look at it?

Since I'm quite the list maker, I go through notebooks rather quickly.  I hate spending a lot of money on something I know I'll be throwing away a little bit at a time, so this is a great way to have a fancy notebook for a fraction of the cost.  I usually stock up at back to school time when they are cheap and just pull one out when I need it.  

What's something pretty in your life that makes you smile when you use it?  Whatever those things are, fill your life with them.  Let the little things add joy to your day!


  1. I'm such a notebook geek! Just put a matching pen with that and I'm in heaven!

  2. Very pretty! I got through notebooks quickly also, but I have a ton of scrapbooking paper, so that's an easy simple project.
    I love the Pioneer Woman's kitchen items. I want to buy it all! I would love to go visit her store.

  3. I love this! Pretty things are very nice. :) And I like that you now have a unique, pretty notebook that didn't cost that much.


  4. I love how this turned out! I agree pretty things just make the average tasks just that much more pleasant!

  5. Cute! I love how that turned out, Penny!

  6. Love this! It turned out great! I especially love how you personalized it. I love putting my name on things since I can never find it on anything ready made :)

  7. Dafont rocks!! Now to use my cricut more...
