Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - March 8, 2018

Hello friends!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday.  Hope you link up below and share what you're thinking out loud about today.

In case you haven't heard, today is International Women's Day.  Frankly, I hadn't heard of this day being observed before so I did a little research and found out that it's origin can be traced back to the early 1900's.  Really?!?  Am I the only one out there who's not familiar with International Women's Day?

International Women's Day

According to the National Day Calendar website, International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the cultural, political, social and economic achievements of women.  The day also brings international awareness to gender parity.  The World Economic Forum calculates gender equality is estimated to be achieved by 2133.  Great -- I'll be 170 years old when that day comes!
On this day I'm reflecting on some truly great examples of women who have stepped outside the box to stand up for their cause.  One that comes to mind is Malala Yousafzai.  You might remember this young lady rose to fame after writing her memoir, I Am Malala, where she documented her fearless journey as a young student fighting for access to education in Pakistan.  
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by [Yousafzai, Malala]
Available HERE
Another person I'm thinking about today to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.  Have you heard her TED talk?  If you haven't, take the time to see it.  Chimamanda talks about what "feminism" means today.  In this TED talk, she brings humor and levity to this subject.  It will make you think about things you do in your everyday life and see them in a new way.  Parents -- this should be a must see!!  Little things we do and say around our children can make such a difference in the way women are viewed.

So happy International Women's Day! We've come so far and yet have so much further to go!

Now it's your turn - what are you thinking out loud about today? Link up and share!


  1. Yes we do. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful Thursday.

  2. It's a fabulous day to celebrate!!!

  3. Happy International Women's Day! I have read both that book and have seen that TED talk and they're both fantastic! I think it's an important day to celebrate!

  4. You, my friend, would be a fabulous librarian. Great job researching International Women's Day. I don't remember ever having heard of it before this year. And this year only because McDonalds is turning their M upside down for women today! Ha.

    I just read a wonderful children's book Little Leaders, this is a celebration of women. Will save the TED cast to listen to on the plane tomorrow as I fly to see my amazing 91 year old mom.

  5. That's funny, I was thinking about that this morning! I think I had vaguely heard of Int'l Women's Day before, but never paid much attention, but it's everywhere now! :)

  6. Happy International Women's Day!
    Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's TedTalk is SO GOOD! It sincerely makes you think, even when it comes to parenting.
    I actually read a children's book version of Malala with my son not too long ago, I think it's important for him to read books about strong women, too. :)

  7. I had never heard of international women's day either! Thanks for passing that info on.

  8. Happy International Women's Day to you too! I had a work meeting/training today and we started by talking about women in history we admired. :)

