Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wear It Wednesday

Hey guys!  I'm popping in on this Wednesday to share a fashion find.  Have you guys ever peeked at the clothes on the racks at World Market?  World Market is my go-to store for unique gifts, but frankly, checking out the clothes hadn't been on my radar.

That is, until Kayla and Ian gave me this adorable dress from there for Christmas!  This dress is so fun and unique.  Honestly, it makes me feel a bit sassy when I have it on.

Bottom line:  World Market has awesome clothes!  Here's just a few found on their website.

Available HERE
Available HERE

Available HERE

Available HERE

Available HERE
Adorable, right!?!  They also have fabulous jewelry and other accessories, but that's a blog for another day.  Today let's just wrap our heads around the fact that World Market deserves a little fashion respect!


  1. Oh, how cute! Your dress looks so fun and comfortable. :)


  2. Oh my goodness, that looks adorable on you!! I’ve heard of World Market but have never shopped there. Will have to check it out :)

  3. I LOVE the colors in that dress! So cute!

  4. I love World Market but I also have never checked out the clothes! I love your dress and some of the other finds as well, very boho and chic!

  5. I didn't know they had clothes, but those pieces are really cute :)

  6. I didn't realize they have clothes! Love your new dress - so pretty and colorful!

  7. I've noticed the clothing on many shopping trips there, but have yet to try them! Ok. You've inspired me. Thank you for sharing and thank you for linking up with the Sunday Showcase.
