Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop - October 24, 2018

Welcome to the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop
Welcome to our 300th party! We are so grateful to all of you for gathering here with us every week. Your talent and enthusiasm makes it so much fun to host this great party. Thank you for making it a big success! Let's start out right away with our features .... the posts that you liked best!  

Most Viewed

New Pinterest Communities Feature - The Professional Mom Project
Tailgating Essentials - My Life Abundant
Best life
Living My Best Life - Engineer Mommy

Editor's Pick

Crumbled Pumpkin Bread - Lou Lou Girls

  And now, let's get this party started!
Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop 2018

This week please follow our co-hosts on Twitter …

Simple party guidelines >>
  • Please TWEET our party ♥ Use the hashtag #WWBlogHop
  • Add as many of your family-friendly posts as you would like to. No Etsy shops, adult sites or blog parties, please.
  • Visit others. Let them know you stopped!
  • If you are NEW to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop, let us know in the comments so that we can follow you back. ♥ Help us find your posts – tell us what number they are!
  • NOTE: party entries appear in REVERSE. i.e. the most recent entry goes to the top! That way all of our guests will have a chance to be seen no matter when they arrive.
  • Thanks! ♥


  1. Congratulations on your 300th party. That is quite an accomplishment! Our posts this week are: #172, #173, and #174.

  2. Hello sweet Penny !
    Here I am at your great party, although I'm not posting anything, but soon I will.
    I also came looking for the feature you mentioned, but I couldn't find it. Dis I understand correctly !

  3. Oh I found it, lol..
    Thank you and sorry.
