Wednesday, December 12, 2018

2018 Christmas Home Tour

Let's talk about decorating the house for Christmas!  I'm teaming up with some of my blogger friends to take you on tours of our homes.  Grab a cup of hot chocolate and join us!

Eric and I have five Christmas trees throughout our home.  I'll be honest, four of the five are decorated by my friend Carol.  She and her crew come into our house soon after Thanksgiving when Eric and I are at work to transform our house into a winter wonderland.  And we love it!!

Let's start in the dining room.  We love to entertain and there's something special about sitting around the dining room table with good friends, sipping wine with the glow of the tree wrapping around us.  The centerpiece on the table matches the tree to complete the look.

Across the hall from the dining room is our library.  This is one of my favorite places to be on a Saturday morning with the music blaring and a book in my hands.  It's even more special at Christmastime with the tree lit up.

When friends come over, it seems we usually end up gathered around the island in the kitchen.  That's why I just had to have a tree in our kitchen!  This tree is decorated with kitchen gadgets like wooden utensils, measuring cups and cookie cutters.  A cute little elf is watching over everything that's going on.

My daughter-in-law and son gave me a fabulous three-tier tray this year for my birthday and I couldn't wait to put it to use!  It's perched in our kitchen window and is a fabulous addition to our decorations.  You will definitely be seeing more of this tray decked out in other holiday attire.

Now let's peek in the family room.  I love laying on the couch with this view ~

The decorations in our family room are largely a woodland theme.  We have little critters peeking out everywhere!

If you're counting, you know I have one last tree to share.  We have a tree in our bedroom and I love going to bed with the lights twinkling in the corner.  It also is the home of all our special ornaments that hold a special place in our hearts.

Now it's time to check out the other homes on tour.  This year's Holiday Home Tour hosts include Crystal, Leslie, Becky, Penny, StephanieWhitney, Keri, and Shelly. I would love for you to visit the homes of these ladies, they have such beautiful spaces and I love the holiday touches they have throughout their homes.

Now it's your turn!

Share your home with us this holiday and join our Holiday Home Tour. 


  1. Beautiful tour! I love all the trees and ornaments!!! Thanks

  2. Oh my gosh, that little kitchenaid mixer ornament is so cute!

  3. Penny, you likely won't remember me but back in the day when you were a student at CMSU, I was the secretary in the Alumni office. I've often wondered where all of "my kids" had landed in their lives. I couldn't begin to tell you how I happened across your blog, but when I realized that I knew Penny, I was absolutely thrilled. I've been reading it for a couple of months and really enjoy it. You are so talented in many areas! Happy to have made the connection and a Merry Christmas to you and yours! Jo Bartlett

  4. Looks awesome Penny! Carol really has a talent for decorating!

  5. I love all your trees! That is an ultimate goal of mine, I'd love to have a tree in every room of my house! I have three right now. Living room, basement and Ollie's room. But I would love a kitchen tree too! Love seeing all your decorations!

  6. It all looks very nice. I especially like the kitchen tree.

  7. It is seriously my dream to have someone come in and do the decorating for me!! It's not that I mind the decorating but I just don't think I'm so great at it. Your home is definitely ready for the holidays!

  8. Omg all of your trees are so beautiful!!! i would love to have more than one tree some day too! Thank you so much for the tour of your gorgeous home; I’m partial to the woodland animals ❤️
